Habitat Unit


June 8 2022, 6.00 pm | Floating University, Lilienthalstraße 32 10965 Berlin


Searching for emancipatory practices

The urban talk series at floating university is a joint public lecture and discussion event organized by Habitat Unit/TU Berlin with the Design Studio „Safer City, Safer Housing?“ (Dr. Anna Steigemann/Dr. Christian Haid) and the BA Thesis Seminar „Collective housing at Berlin’s city borders” (Dr. Moritz Ahlert) and UdK studio raumproduktion’s seminar „Talking about collectivities and inclusion in housing“ (Prof. Markus Bader).

The lecture series adresses different aspects of collective and alternative housing for marginalized groups, such as for refugees, the queer community or for the urban poor, asking what solidary and urban commons models, practices, strategies, approaches, and spaces can be understood as possible catalysts for a larger urban and societal transformation towards a just city.

Urban Talk #36 fem_arc

fem_arc is a collective of architects working on projects from an intersectional feminist angle. Since 2018, they have been critically examining power structures in space and the intersection of individual experiences of discrimination caused by gender, race, economic status, empowerment, queerness, or religion, among other factors. In formats such as workshops, a podcast series, participatory audio walks, film and multimedia installations, they propagate planning and artistic strategies that question norms and standards in architecture and contribute to the creation of non-discriminatory spaces.

fem_arc‘s members are Lucía Gauchat Schulte, Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus, Amelie Schindler, Lara Stöhlmacher Aslı Varol and Océane Vé-Réveillac

Download Poster here


Dr. Christian Haid

Raum A 621

T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21906
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907

T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21903

Dr. Anna Steigemann

Raum A 621

T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21906
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907