May 18 2022, 6.00 pm | Floating University, Lilienthalstraße 32 10965 Berlin
Collective Housing
Angelika Drescher, Felicitas Humburg & LiZu
The urban talk series at floating university is a joint public lecture and discussion event organized by Habitat Unit/TU Berlin with the Design Studio „Safer City, Safer Housing?“ (Dr. Anna Steigemann/Dr. Christian Haid) and the BA Thesis Seminar „Collective housing at Berlin’s city borders” (Dr. Moritz Ahlert) and UdK studio raumproduktion’s seminar „Talking about collectivities and inclusion in housing“ (Prof. Markus Bader).
The lecture series adresses different aspects of collective and alternative housing for marginalized groups, such as for refugees, the queer community or for the urban poor, asking what solidary and urban commons models, practices, strategies, approaches, and spaces can be understood as possible catalysts for a larger urban and societal transformation towards a just city.
Angelika Drescher (she/her)
Dipl.-Ing. Arch
Diploma 1995 at the University of Kassel
Member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects since 2002
Since her studies in Kassel, Angelika Drescher has focused on the planning of integrative living spaces with the involvement of self-organization and the commitment of the user communities, building in existing contexts, design/planning/space organization as programming of structures and utilization processes.
Since 2007 she has focused on project management, development and steering of community projects in Berlin. In 2008 - 2016 she co-founded and directed "die Zusammenarbeiter GmbH" (participatory planning and building). In 2010 - 2017 she was the founder and board member of Spreefeld Berlin eG. From 2016 to 2021 she was part of VOLLGUT, Kindl-Areal Neukölln and did project development on behalf of the Edith Maryon Foundation, Basel/ Berlin: Terra Libra Immobilien GmbH. Since 2018 she’s a member of Immovielien e.V. and since 2022 part of the project management for the "Epizentrum Bauwende" at Bauhaus der Erde GmbH, Potsdam/ Berlin.
Angelika has been living in a cluster apartment in Spreefeld since 2014 herself and is glad to share insight from all perspectives.
Felicitas Humburg (they/them) works at the Schwulenberatung Berlin on the projects "Qualitätssiegel Lebensort Vielfalt", "Fachstelle LSBTI*, Altern und Pflege" as well as the housing project "Lebensort Vielfalt". Their focus lies on the education about trans* healthcare and the inclusion of trans* people, who are in need of nursing care, and / or over the age of 60. Felicitas has a bachelor of arts in sociology, with prior student-work experience in nursing schools.
Felicitas Humburg (they/them) on the "Lebensort Vielfalt", a housing project of the Schwulenberatung Berlin:
The housing project "Lebensort Vielfalt" was founded to create living spaces for LGBTI* people of all ages to prevent social isolation that many LGBTI* people experience, by strengthening a multi-generational support between the tenants, that might result in forming structures similar to those of a found-family. Another aspect of this project is the housing and care of LGBTI* people in need of medical or therapeutic assistance. The "Lebensort Vielfalt" in Berlin-Charlottenburg and the "Lebensort Vielfalt" in Berlin Südkreuz will be introduced, to showcase the difference approaches to LGBTI*-friendly housing.
LieberZusammen (LiZu) is a self-organized cohousing project in Hoppegarten on the outskirts of Berlin. In the middle of the country‘s largest district of single-family homes, LiZu is planning affordable and space & energy-conscious collective living for 40-60 people as a Mietshäuser Syndikats-Projekt.
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Dr. Christian Haid
Raum A 621
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21906
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21903
Dr. Anna Steigemann
Raum A 621
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21906
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907