Senior Researcher, DFG Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft Fellow
Dr. Ing. Paola Alfaro d'Alençon
Room A 409
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 27391
Curriculum Vitae
Dr.-Ing. Paola Alfaro just started in February 2018 as a DFG-Research Fellow associated to the TU-Berlin, Faculty VI, Habitat Unit with the research project for the DFG: Concepts of Co-production and its influence on the development of inclusive spaces – An international comparative study on theories and practices".
She has 15 years of national and international work experience in research, education, knowledge transfer, and urban management and planning. These experiences are based on the topics of sustainable urban development associated with projects on housing (resilient development through interdisciplinary approaches linked to water management and local production chains, as well as through local solutions); governance, and co-production, with network development and stakeholder, cooperation management on urban and regional development strategies related to subjects of climate change, transport and mobility, and urban resilience. Through her professional experience, she has worked as planer and urban designer, as well as performing management and leadership functions. Co-founder / director of different working groups, like the Urban Research and Design Laboratory, its international network "UrbanLab+", and a professional office called u-Lab Studio, with experience of eight years as a team leader in project management and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. All three collaborative platforms sum over 30 organizations from 8 countries (including academia from Latin America, Africa and Asia, national / international experts, public institutions and cities like Berlin, Brussels, Liverpool, Naples, and the private sector). The main focus of these platforms is on researching urban challenges and working in an interdisciplinary manner on urban transformation, with an emphasis on both participatory local development and collaborative planning and building.
2011 – 2013
Ph.D. Degree in Urban Studies and Architecture.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Thesis: The production of transport infrastructure-International Perspective on transport infrastructure development (Transport Infrastructure development; local governance and Urban Commons)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Rosanna Forray, Prof. Dr. Pablo Allard, Prof. Dr. Oscar Figueroa, external Prof. Dr. Marcel Smets (KU Leuven)
2007 – 2011
Doctorate of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
Technical University of Berlin
Thesis: The production of urban space through mobility
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle, Chair of International Urbanism and Design, TU Berlin; Dr. Rosanna Forray
2006 – 2007
Research Fellow
Berlage Insitute, Rotterdam
Title: "Create and Recreate", Ditmar Lyke
Title: „Ljubljana Studio", OMA, Rotterdam
1993 – 2000
Architecture Diploma
Architecture School, Technical University of Berlin
Since 2018
Senior Independent Expert
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Team leader, implementation of component 3 (applied research and capacity building) "Sustainable Intermediate Cities" program (CIS), GIZ Ecuador
Team leader, urban planning and design, "Recoverering children's loves: urban space and emergency" in cooperation with BvL Foundation, PUCP, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact.
Piura, Perú
2016 – 2017
Senior Researcher (Post-Doc)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CEDEUS - Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable. Preparation of Urban Development Report for LAC: "LAC Documento hacia HABITAT III_Desarrollo Espacial" for REDEUS_LAC | Red de Centros de Estudio en Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable de Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Since 2016
Guest professor
DSA, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura, Scuola Politecnica, Università degli Studi in Genoa. Innovation of urban design teaching at the institute of architecture by means of practice-oriented and interdisciplinary work modules as well as international teaching formats for the master course in architecture
Since 2014
Founding Member
U Lab. Studio für Stadt und Raumprozesse.
Urban studies and expert reports, competition entries as well as high-level projects
2010 – 2017
Project (co-) founder and director (part-time, third-party funded position)
Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab), Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Urban planning and design teaching and research for the master degree programs of urban design, architecture, and city and regional planning.
2009 – 2015
Research staff member (part-time)
Habitat Unit, Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Initiator, development of international joint research, teaching and cooperation projects with global north- and south partners. Topics: capacity building, local governance, participatory planning and building cities from below, interdisciplinary housing approaches, built material solutions (recycling, re-uses, local production chains), and built environment challenges (catastrophes, climate changes); Methods: "Lehrforschung"-studios in South Africa, Brazil, and Chile
Since 2008
Urban Planning Reports (strategic, participatory planning) Local administrations, national and international organizations. Urban renewal and participation procedures for local administrations, EU-Funded, Cities Alliance, GIZ, KB Strelka (Russian Cities)
2006 – 2007
Research Fellow
Berlage Institure, Rotterdam
Research focus: Globalization and its effects on urban development
2005 – 2006
Research Fellow
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Research focus: Megaprojects (transport infrastructure, conversion) and its effects on urban development
Murtinho Arquitectos y Asociados, Santiago de Chile
Competitions, Project management
2004 – 2005
Research staff member (part-time)
Habitat Unit, Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Urban planning and design teaching and research for the master degree programs of urban design, architecture, and city and regional planning.
2002 – 2003
Competitions, project management
Case Architects, Berlin/Helsinki
2001 – 2002
Competitions, project management
Faskel+Becker Architekten, Berlin
Since 2000
Parental leave
Concepts of "Co-production" and its influence on the development of inclusive spaces – An international comparative study on theories and practices. Position in the project: Principal Investigator, Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschadt (DFG). The research project is exploring theory
2016 – 2017
Kooperative (urbane) Praxis-Räume, Akteure und Wissensbildung in der Stadtentwicklung
Position in the project: Principal Investigator, Funded by Wüstenrot Foundation (Contract Research).
2013 – 2016
International Network of Urban Laboratories (UrbanLab+) For the research on urban inclusion and the enhancement of global education in the built environment disciplines. Position in the project: Initiator and co-researcher, Funded by Erasmus Mundos+. Cooperation Partners: KRVIA Institute, Mumbai, India; University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa; P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Università della Calabria, Italy; University College Londonproject.
2013 – 2015
Ziele und Handlungsebenen von Zwischennutzungen in der
Planungspraxis. Funded by Wüstenrot Foundation (Two-year Contract Research).
2011 – 2012
Participation strategies and policies in urban development in Berlin and Istanbul. Position in the project: Initiator and lead researcher, Funded by
Forum Berlin Istanbul e.V. supported by Mercator Stiftung and Wüstenrot Stiftung, Project aim: Urban renewal and its implications for the national planning culture, urban policy developments and forms of citizen participation
2010 – 2014
HMW-Housing Manufacturing Water for the Urban Poor. Position in the project: Co-Initiator and responsible coordinator of the project, responsible main researcher Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle, Prof. Dr. Günther Seliger, Prof. Dr. Barjenbruch, Funded by the DAAD /BMZ. Housing supply, production processes and water supply for marginalized urban areas. Partners: Technical University of Oruro, Bolivia; P. Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile; Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile; University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; University Botswana Gaborone, Botswana; KRVIA - Institute, Mumbai, India; UFES - Universidad Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil; Universidad de São Paulo, Brazil
2010 – 2013
Research and development of sustainable and resource-saving planning and construction, three-year cooperation.
University partnership between P. Universidad Católica de Chile and Technical University of Berlin, DAAD
2002 – 2003
Regional Development plan for the Region XI (Aysén) in Chile
Position in the project: Research assistant, responsible for the chapters on regional settlement development and Housing. Research leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle, Funded by the BMZ/DAAD
Redensification of informal settlements in Lima and Mexico City
Position: Research assistant, Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin, Research leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle, Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgesellscahft (DFG)
Since 2016
Thesis supervisor
IHS, International Institute of Urban Management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervision of master's theses on urban development in an international context. Topics: Climate Change, Community participation, informal settlements of São Paulo, Brazil and citizen participation in Smart-City Urban Development Approaches for India
Since 2016
Guest professor
DSA, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura, Scuola Politecnica, Università degli Studi in Genoa. Innovation of urban design teaching at the institute of architecture by means of practice-oriented and interdisciplinary work modules as well as international teaching formats for the master course in architecture
International urban planning workshop "Bridges" with the Centre for Urban Research, COSMOPOLIS. Faculte d'Architecture, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Study reform project: Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin. Enhancement of the interdisciplinary exchanges between teaching, research and practice in urban design and research with cooperation partners from the field such as Senate administrations for urban development, the district level as well as planners and participants for urban development areas in Berlin and surrounding areas
SS 2017
Educational research: Streamscapes. Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Design seminar and educational research: Ephemere Stadtentwicklung (Leipzig, Mannheim, Berlin, and Frankfurt). Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Design seminar Lichtenberg: temporal uses in Ostkreuz, action concepts for open spaces. Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Design seminar Nord-Neukölln and Tempelhofer Feld: New concepts for urban residential areas. Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Design seminar Obere Stadtspree: Strategies for public space in the Spree
Elected member of the Commission for study and teaching. Urban Research and Design Laboratory (U-Lab) Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Since 2010
Urban Management Program (post-graduate master study), Technical University of Berlin. Thesis Supervisor City-related research seminars. Supervision or master's theses on urban development in an international context (Climate Change, Governance)
Research staff member at the Habitat Unit, Institute for Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
Since 2009
Initiator, development of new international academic programs
"Energie, Struktur & Systeme" (since 2009), double-degree master for sustainable architecture between Universidad Católica de Chile and Technische Universität Berlin.
Methods: Joint research and design seminars and prototyping of housing and urban development strategies. Funded by ISAP Program (DAAD).
Four-month course on urban development and scenarios "Mexico City 2050": Guidance on megaprojects and urban development in Berlin. Funded by the DAAD. UNAM, Mexico City
DAAD short-term lectureship
Guest professor in diploma program for architecture and urban development, P. Universidad Católica de Chile
Guest professor
Cornell University, APP – Architecture, Art,
Planning in the state of New York/USA for urban planning and design
with Planungslabor, eds. (2014) Planungslabor: Stadtspree-Kiezspree – Konzepte für die Obere Stadtspree in Berlin. Universitätsverlag TU Berlin, Berlin.
(2011) The production of urban space through mobility. Berlin.
with W. Imilian and L. Sanchez, eds. (2011) Lateinamerikanische Städte im Wandel. Sammelband zur Entwicklung der Lateinamerikanischen Stadt. Lit-Verlag, Berlin.
Book contributions
with Bauerfeind, B.; Konrad, D. (2014) Zwischennutzungen - Das Ephemere in der Stadtentwicklung. PlanerIn, Schwerpunktheft-Nr. 4/2014, Städtebau – Entwurf.
(2013) Housing for the Urban Poor - Between formal planning processes and the 'Right to the City' in Latin-American urban geographies. In: LabTAR, eds. Solucoes para urbanizacao do territorio do bem.
(2013) Problems and potentials of current inner-city urban renewal strategies. In: Gür, S. and Kuyumcu, Y., eds. Transforming the Galata District. A practise based research on transformation.
(2011) Mandala – A highly contested urban space. In: GIZ, ed.Mumbai-Sustainable habitats in India. GIZ Publication.
(2011) Network societies and changed work environments. In: Becker, N. ed. Place 2.5: Creat and Recreat. Sedus Stoll AG.
Refereed articles
with Bettina Bauerfeind and Daniela Konrad (2014) Zwischennutzungen - Das Ephemere in der Stadtentwicklung. PlanerIn, (4).
Other articles and publications
(2012) Strategien für öffentliche Räume an der Spree. Co-Housing Cultures – Handbuch für selbstorganisiertes, gemeinschaftliches und nachhaltiges Wohnen, Berlin: Jovis-Verlag.
(2011) Visionen vs. Konflikte – Der Spreeraum zwischen Elsen- und Schillingbrücke in Berlin. In: Hofmann, A., Polinna, C., Richter, J., Schlaack, J. eds. Beyond Planwerk Innenstadt. Neue Ideen – Strategische Entwicklung weiterdenken!, Center for Metropolitan Studies, TU Berlin.
with Peters, D (2010) Bahnhöfe als Motoren der Stadt- und Quartiersentwicklung. Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V.: Transformation, Europacity – Quartier am Nordhafen, Berlin.
with Konrad, D. (2010) Stadtspree – Kiezspree, Strategien für die Entwicklung des Spreeraums in Berlin. Ideenaufruf Kreuzberger Ufer, Berlin.
(2010) Transport Infrastructure as urban developers? Exberliner: Transit Metropolis, Berlin.
with Couling, N.; Konrad, D. (2010) Angewandte Forschung im Spreeraum. In: Baunetz, Berlin.
with Moris, R. (2008) 'Vacíos Interiores'-Regeneración Urbana: Consolidación y Sustentabilidad de un Mercado en Desarrollo. In:Mercado y Ciudad: Desafíos de un País Urbano. Observatorio Ciudades UC & Banco BBVA.
Conference Proceedings
with Schlack, E. Turnbull, N. (2014) A critical view on the development of Megaprojects and Retail-cluster in Santiago de Chile between Neo-Liberalization and Globalization. Proceedings AESOP Conference 2014, Delft.
with Morris, R. (2009) Gentrification – Sustainable Urban Development Strategies in the urban planning process of Santiago centre. Proceedings SET Conference, Seoul.
Conference Papers
(2015) Understanding Global Learning in the built environment discipline, Planen – Bauen – Umwelt: Ein Jahrhundert des Austausches zwischen der TU und chinesischen Partnern, Technische Universität Berlin.
(2014) The Case of Territorio do Bem in Vitoria, Brazil - Understanding current social movements as grassroots, their aims, actors and networks, International Conference Real Change? - Exploring and Assessing Ways to Co-Produce Knowledge for Tangible Transformations, N-Aerus 15th Conference, ULB, Brussels.
(2014) A critical View on the Development of Megaprojects and Retail-Clusters in Santiago de Chile between Neo-Liberalization and Globalization, AESOP Kongress, Utrecht/Delft.
(2014) Von der Subkultur zur strategischen Planung – Ephemere Stadtentwicklung als Entwicklungsstrategie in Berlin, Urban Lab+, International Conference on interculturality and urban development, KRVIA - Institute, Mumbai, Indien.
(2013) Who wins and who loses in transportation megaprojects? - Critical reflections on interdisciplinary developments in Berlin, Urban Lab+ International Conference on urban development, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile.
(2013) Die perfekte Mischung in Stadtquartieren? Workshop in Participatory Spatial Planning Istanbul - Berlin, Urban Management Program with national Authorities at Technische Universität, Berlin.
(2013) Integrative Nachbarschaftsentwicklung? – Das Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin. Workshop Smart Housing, The Metropolitan Laboratory, Galerie AEDES, Berlin.
(2013) Städtebauliche Strategien für bezahlbaren Wohnraum – Versuchsfeld Nord-Neukölln. Co-Housing– Lernen von Erfahrungen aus Berlin, Mailand und New York City, Forum der UfA-Fabrik, Berlin.
(2012) Urban Development at the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin, Summer academy, Ars 13 at Designing for Multi-ethnical societies, Beuth Hochschule, Berlin.
(2012) The perfect mix for more liveliness in the city? Workshop Participatory Spatial Planning Istanbul - Berlin, Urban Management Program and national authorities, Technische Universität, Berlin.
(2012) Zukunft des Spreeraums zwischen Michael- und Schillingbrücke und seine Bedeutung für städtische Entwicklungen in Berlin. Symposium BAULÖWEN HOLZKATZEN WASSERRATTEN, DAZ Deutsches Architekturzentrum, Berlin.
(2012) Sozial-Integratives Wohnen - Leitbilder für die Quartiersentwicklung in Nordneukölln und an den Randflächen der Tempelhofer Freiheit. Workshop on Urban Development Strategies, AEDES Network Campus, Berlin.
(2011) Der richtige Mix für mehr Lebendigkeit im Quartier - Strategische Ansätze aus der Forschung, Integrative district development strategies – research approaches, Regionen - Dialog, Metropolregion Rhein – Neckar, Mannheim.
(2011) Neugestaltung von Stadtquartieren am Wasser - Internationale Perspektiven. Waterfront re-developments from a international perspective, Workshop 6. Veranstaltung, Stadtgespräche Wasser, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Berlin.
(2011) Gentrifizierung und Stadterneuerung und ihre sozial-räumlichen Konsequenzen. Gentrification in urban renewal and its social – spatial consequences, Workshop Galata Tower and its Environments, Beykent University and local planning authorities.
(2011) Who builds the city? Workshop on tendencies for derelict urban areas in Valparaiso, Poiesis e Innovación, desarrollo urbano de Valparaíso, Universidad de Valparaíso and local planning authorities.
(2010) Megastädte, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehrsplanung, Szenarien für Nachhaltigen Konsum, Workshop Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklungen der Bundesregierung Deutschland, upported by GIZ, Berlin.
(2010) Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung und soziales Unternehmertum – Kooperation zwischen Universitäten und Praxis in der Stadtentwicklung, Workshop zur Stadtentwicklung durch soziales Unternehmertum, Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
(2010) The production of urban space through mobility. Presentation PhD at the Promotionscolloquium and Workshop Nachhaltige Infrastruktur und Raumenwicklung, Technische Universität, Darmstadt.
Conference panel chairs
(2015) The Politics of Practice-Orientation, Chair of the Symposium, Urban Lab+, EU Project, at the TU Berlin and AEDES-Network Campus, Berlin.
(2014) Who wins and who loses in transportation megaprojects? - Critical reflections on interdisciplinary developments in Berlin. Urban Lab+, International Conference on Urban Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
(2014) Intercultural Dimensions of Territory. Moderation,Urban Lab+, International Conference on Urban Development, laba-Basel, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
(2014) Ephemere Stadtentwicklung – Neue Handlungsspielräume, TU Berlin, Research project for Wüstenrot Stiftung with the support of the Bundesstiftung Baukultur.
(2014) Housing, Manufacturing, Water for the urban poor, Chairwoman of the conference with support of GIZ– Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit at Technische Universität, Berlin.
(2011) Network conference on sustainable urban development in times of global crises and energy shortcomings.
Leading moderation on Megacities panel. Participants: Hopkins, Sam and Initiators 'Kibera Public Space Project' (Nairobi, Kenya);
Ravindran, K.T. and PUKAR - Partners for Urban Knowledge Action and Research (New Delhi, Indien), Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Initiative Überlebenskunst Berlin, Berlin.
(2018) Guest lecturer: „Polycentric Approaches to Managing Urban Water Resources in Southeast Asia - Localizing the Sustainable Goals of the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda at the Local Level ", in World Urban Forum (WUF), German stand, project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(2018) Guest lecturer: „Climate Proof-Urban Development", in World Urban Forum (WUF), German stand, Project "Cities Fit for Climate Change", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(2017) Guest lecturer: „Wohnsiedlungen der 1990er Jahre", Workshop, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt.
(2017) Guest lecturer: "Diálogos impostergables - La vulnerabilidad", Presentation in the XX Bienalle for architecture and urban development, Valparaiso, Chile.
(2017) Guest lecturer: "Urban Regeneration through Social Innovation", Research conference in the Master U-RISE, Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice.
(2017) Guest lecturer: "Ephemere Stadtentwicklung" und "Stadtspree-Kiezspree, Planungslabor zur Oberen Stadtspree-Mediaspree", Urban Research and Design Master, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart.
(2017) Guest lecturer: "Ephemere Stadtentwicklung", Forschungscluster KU-Leuven, Brüssel.
(2017) Keynote presentation: "From Segregation to Integrated Urban Landscape", MOBILISING THE PERIPHERY - #4 Focus Latin America. AEDES-Symposium, Berlin.
(2016) "Urban Revolution and different approaches to urban development at the Spree in Berlin", A space is a space is as space, Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Berlin.
(2015) "In lights of ephemeral urbanism in Germany: Decision making experiments in neighborhoods between self-organizing citizens and municipalities", in STREAM C – Cities and urban planning, RC 21, International Sociological Association, Urbino.
(2015) "Ephemeral Urbanism", New Farms for Expo – Buildings reactivation, urban regeneration, Architecture Chamber, Milan.
(2015) "Ephemeral Urbanism", MAKE CITY-Festival für Architektur und alternative Stadtentwicklung , Panel-Self Made City: Mechanisms of Alternative Urban Development, Berlin.
(2015) Expert input: "Co-produced space, Tempelhofer Feld?", Workshop: "Making Cities Work", the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
(2015) Expert input: "Understanding the Development of Vacant Spaces in Berlin", Workshop: "Zukunftsbilder einer grünen Stadt", Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), Berlin.
(2015) Expert input: "Understanding Global Learning in the built environment discipline", Planen – Bauen – Umwelt: Ein Jahrhundert des Austausches zwischen der TU und chinesischen Partnern, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin.
(2015) Expert input: "Understanding the Development of Vacant Spaces in Berlin", Workshop: "Zukunftsbilder einer grünen Stadt", Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), Berlin.
(2015) Expert input: "Understanding Global Learning in the built environment discipline", Planen – Bauen – Umwelt: Ein Jahrhundert des Austausches zwischen der TU und chinesischen Partnern, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin.
(2014) Expert input: "Who wins and who loses in transportation megaprojects? - Critical reflections on interdisciplinary developments in Berlin", international urban development conference in the framework of the Urban Lab+ EU project, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
(2014) Expert input: "Who wins and who loses in transportation megaprojects? - Critical reflections on interdisciplinary developments in Berlin", international urban development conference in the framework of the Urban Lab+ EU project, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
(2014) Guest lecturer: "The Case of Territorio do Bem in Vitoria, Brazil - Understanding current social movements as grassroots, their aims, actors and networks", international conference, "Real Change? - Exploring and Assessing Ways to Co-Produce Knowledge for Tangible Transformations", N-Aerus 15th Conference, ULB, Brussels.
(2014) Guest lecturer: "A critical View on the Development of Megaprojects and Retail-Clusters in Santiago de Chile between Neo-Liberalization and Globalization", AESOP congress, Utrecht/Delft.
(2014) Guest lecturer: "Von der Subkultur zur strategischen Planung – Ephemere Stadtentwicklung als Entwicklungsstrategie in Berlin", international conference of interculturality in urban development, Urban Lab+ program, KRVIA - Institute, Mumbai.
(2013) Presentation: "Who wins and who loses in transportation megaprojects? - Critical reflections on interdisciplinary developments in Berlin", international conference about current urban development in the framework of the Urban Lab+ EU project, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile.
(2013) Expert input: "Die perfekte Mischung in Stadtquartieren?", workshop on participative planning Istanbul – Berlin. Urban Management in cooperation with Berliner Stadtverwaltung, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin.
(2013)"Integrative Nachbarschaftsentwicklung? – Das Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin": Workshop „Smart Housing", The Metropolitan Laboratory, Galerie AEDES, Berlin.
(2013) Presentation: "Städtebauliche Strategien für bezahlbaren Wohnraum – Versuchsfeld Nord-Neukölln", Co-Housing– learning from experiences in Berlin, Mailand und New York City". Forum of UfA-Fabrik. Berlin.
(2012) Expert input: "Urban Development at the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin", Summer academy "Ars 13, Designing for Multi-ethnical societies", Beuth Hochschule, Berlin.
(2012) "The perfect mix for more liveliness in the city?", Workshop "Participatory Spatial Planning Istanbul - Berlin", Urban Management Program, Technische Universität, Berlin.
(2012)"Zukunft des Spreeraums und seine Bedeutung für städtische Entwicklungen in Berlin", Symposium "BAULÖWEN HOLZKATZEN WASSERRATTEN". DAZ Deutsches Architekturzentrum, Berlin.
(2011) "Sozial-Integratives Wohnen - Leitbilder für die Quartiersentwicklung in Nord-neukölln und an den Randflächen der Tempelhofer Freiheit", workshop on urban development strategies, AEDES Network Camus, Berlin.
(2011) Expert input: "Der richtige Mix für mehr Lebendigkeit im Quartier - Strategische Ansätze aus der Forschung", Regionen - Dialog, Metropolregion Rhein – Neckar, Mannheim.
(2011) "Gentrification and urban renewal and their socio-spatial consequences ", Workshop "Galata Tower and its Environments", Beykent University, Istanbul.
(2011) "Who builds the city ?", Workshop on urban water conditions in Valparaiso, Poiesis e Innovación, desarrollo urbano de Valparaíso, Universidad de Valparaíso and local planning authorities, Valparaíso.
(2011) Guest lecturer: "Neugestaltung von Stadtquartieren am Wasser - Internationale Perspektiven", Workshop "6. Veranstaltung, Stadtgespräche Wasser", Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Berlin.
(2010) "Megastädte, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehrsplanung", advice for sustainable development to the german government, Workshop "Szenarien für Nachhaltigen Konsum", Berlin.
(2010) "The production of urban space through mobility", Presentation in the graduation colloquium, „Nachhaltige Infrastruktur und Raumentwicklung", Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt.
(2010) "Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung und soziales Unternehmertum – Kooperation zwischen Universitäten und Praxis in der Stadtentwicklung", Workshop on urban development through social entrepreneurship . Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
First prize, competition "Stadt im Wandel – Stadt der Ideen" plattformnachwuchsarchitekten
Award winning years of science project 2016/17 – Meere und Ozeane
an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, contract for the realization of the project: "From the Spree to the Sea over 14 locks" (teaching research project on resilience strategies and climate change for Master in Architecture, Urban Design and City and Regional Planning)
National Urban Development Label
by the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR) with the approval of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) to the planning laboratory of the TU Berlin for high innovative content in the field of urban planning and research
DFG Funding for the presentation of post-doctoral research
"Objectives and action levels of ephemeral urban development "at the international scientific congress," Megacities Megachallenge. Informal Dynamics of Global Change ", Bonn.
DAAD lecture scholarship
International urban development conference with experts, local authorities and the P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso on participation and community-based design strategies, Chile
DAAD lecture scholarship
International urban development conference on inner-city transformations and strategies to secure socially sustainable developments. Doniusum, Istanbul, Turkey
ALFA Research grant from the European Union
For a 12-month research as part of the PhD
• Research Fellow at the Technischen Universität Eindhoven and the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
• Participation in teaching, research projects and publications, among others
• "2.5. Place – Create and Recreate", Workspaces for a globalized world. Sedus, Switzerland Design scenarios for the development of settlements in Ljubljana, OMA - Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Since 2016
REDEUS_LAC, Red de Centros de Estudio en Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable de Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Since 2015
Evaluation Board Research Proposal, CONICYT – Chilean Research Foundation
Since 2013
Research Committee 21 (RC21) on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association
Since 2012
ANBC The Metropolitan Laboratory, AEDES Network Campus Berlin
Expert council of Visionen Stadt 21, Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft, BDI e.V.
EURE – Member of Editorial Board at Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales Latinoamérica
ADU_2020 – Partner of the ALFA III Project, The restructuring of Higher Education for the 21st Century in the Expanded Field of Urban Design and Urbanism
Since 2010
TRIALOG, Association for scientific research of planning and construction in developing countries
Since 2008
N-AERUS, Network of European researchers on urbanization in the global South
Since 2006
T2M – International Association for the History of Transport and Mobility
Since 2003
Berlin Chamber of Architects
Senior independent expert for "Polycentric Approaches to Managing Urban Water Resources in Southeast Asia"
Expert report / consultancy work for the GIZ in the framework of the project "Cities fit for Climate Change"
Policy Paper, Side-Event HIII Conference in the area of Housing, Governance, and Informality in N-AERUS Partnership for Cities Alliance
Since 2015
"URBACT III: 2nd Chance – Waking up the 'sleeping giants' EU Project"
Project-responsible for local action plan and the design of the urban reactivation of Caserma Gavoglio in Genoa. Three-year EU Project in cooperation with local authorities
Since 2014
Housing Re-construction project in Puerto Prince, Haiti: „ Rebuilding Haiti Homes"
(local Governance, housing development, material re-uses), supported by America Solidaria for Reclaiming Heritage e.V.
Urban design expertise for interdisciplinary revaluation strategies, Delft-Stellenbosch, Cape Town
Sustainable Center Stellenbosch and the Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa.
Project management, construction project: "Sustainable urban housing solutions in times of global crises and energy shortcomings", for Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and Initiative Überlebenskunst Project
Report on marginalized settlements in Mumbai and their impact on local urban development
GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit
Urban design for the Spree2011 project, Wasserschaft Spree Innitiative
Area on the upper side of the Spree, between Jannowitz and Elsenbrücke, cet-01 office, Couling, Berlin
Second prize in an urban planning competition for Yanshan Island, Shanghai, China
invited with CASE Architects Helsinki Berlin
Urban design and reconversion strategies for the port of Galata,
Urban Research Center Istanbul, Istanbul
Urban development of the former port in Valparaiso, Chile. Work in collaboration with Faskel+Becker, Berlin und Murtinho & Assoc.,
Urban design, strategies for neighborly development, Stünz-Leipzig, collaboration with CASE Architects HelsinskiBerlin
Second prize in the competition for urban development and reconstruction of the foreign ministry for Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Collaboration with Faskel+Becker, Berlin und Murtinho & Assoc., Santiago de Chile. Area of construction: 11.000 m2
Recognition in the HafenCity Hamburg competition
collaboration with CASE Architects Helsinki Berlin