Previous Staff Member
Oliver Schetter
Room A 622
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21903
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907
Curriculum Vitae
Oliver Schetter has been a researcher at the Habitat Unit since June 2014. Oliver studied architecture at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin and he holds a Master in International Development from Cornell University.
His research circles around the design and user adaption of planned cities and spontaneous settlements, the dynamics of vernacular architecture, affordable housing, and the relation between imagined, planned, and social spaces of diverse cultural backgrounds.
1998 – 2000
Master of Professional Studies in International Development (MPS-ID), Cornell University, USA
(Thesis) Planning, Land Use and Social Space in Brazil's Federal District. The case of the Plano Piloto's Internal Periphery. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. William Goldsmith).
FAU, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
1993 – 1994
FAU, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
1990 – 1997
Diploma in Architecture (Dipl.-Ing), Hochschule der Künste Berlin
(Thesis) Urban expansion system for Brasília. (Supervisors: Prof. Alfred Grazioli; Prof. Adolf Krischanitz).
1988 – 1989
Latin-American Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
1987 – 1988
Departmento de Humanidades, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
Since 2014
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin
2011 – 2014
desenho Lda., Inhambane, Mozambique
2006 – 2011
Advisor to the Provincial Directorate of Public Works and Housing in Inhambane, Mozambique
Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst / GIZ
2004 – 2006
G+S Architects, Hanover
2001 – 2004
Institute for Design and Urbanism, Department of City- and Spatial Development, Leibniz University Hannover
1998 – 2000
Gruppe SARS, Berlin
Since 2014
Coop-City Network: Housing for Sustainable Urban Futures
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin (In preparation)
1999 – 2000
Structural change of the planned city Schewtschenko, Kazakhstan
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (ÖGFA)
SS 2015
Seminar:A house a flat a hut a hat: affordable housing around the world. Habitat Unit, TU Berlin
WS 2014/2015
Urban Design Studio: Kreuzberg – Leben macht Stadt. Habitat Unit, TU Berlin
WS 2012/2013
Design Studio: Las Talitas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
SS 2011, 2012
Seminar: Arquitectura e desenho de Hotéis. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
SS 2004
Design Studio: Expo_next generation. Leibniz University Hanover
Workshop: Gleisdreieck Letter. Franco-German Design Workshop, Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Port Development Setúbal. Universidade Moderna de Setúbal
Workshop: Alpine fringe regions – the culture of the Walser. Fachhochschule Liechtenstein
WS 2003/2004
Design Studio: Olympic Village Leipzig. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: La Tourette monastery / L'Arbresle. Franco-German Design Workshop, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon
SS 2003
Seminar: Zukunftswerkstadt (-tt). Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Identity in the City: Trani. Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Workshop: Innere Stadterweiterung – Lerther Bahnhof, Berlin. Franco-German Design Workshop, BTU Cottbus
WS 2002/2003
Workshop: Gare St. Paul. Franco-German Design Workshop, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon
Workshop: Brandenburg/Havel. Academy of the Arts Berlin
Design Studio: Die schrumpfende Stadt – Eisenhüttenstadt, Rathenow, Stendal. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Ihmezentrum. Franco-German Design Workshop, Leibniz University Hannover
WS 2001/2002
Seminar: Die schrumpfende Stadt. Leibniz University Hannover
Design Studio: Dresden - Johannstadt. Leibniz University Hannover
Coordination lecture series: Stadtentwicklung unter negativen Vorzeichen. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Canal du Jonage. Franco-German Design Workshop, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon
SS 2001
Seminar: Architektur und Städtebau in den Niederlanden. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Insel Borkum. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Elbabwärts. Leibniz University Hannover
Workshop: Urban shrinkage in the context of Tucumán. Universidad Nacional deTucumán
WS 2000/2001
Workshop: Technopolis 2001, Braunschweig. Leibniz University Hannover
with Jean-Paul Vermeulen and Valéria Salles (2012) Gestão de Património. (Self-learning module). POEMA Publications, Ministry of Education, Maputo.
with Jean-Paul Vermeulen and Eduardo Jaime Gomana (2010) Gestão de Património. POEMA Publications, Ministry of Education, Maputo.
Book contributions
(2012) Criando cidade: Infra-estrutura urbana. História do planeamento urbano. Resumos. In: Schetter, G., Manual prático de formação em Planeamento Urbano.
Refereed articles
(2010) How come there's a window in our wall? The construction of knowledge in Mozambican vernacular. / Wieso haben wir ein Fenster in unserer Wand? Die Herstellung von Wissen in der vernakulären Architektur Mosambiks. Candide, (3).
Other articles and publications
(2011) Ein Haus in das kein Regen rinnt... Aufbau eines öffentlichen Wartungssystems in der Provinz Inhambane. GIZ-Brief 01.
(2003) city@ost-x=? Der Stadtumbau Ost in der Architekturlehre. Leibniz University Hanover.
(2002) Die gute Stube. Favela-Sanierung in Tamarutaca. ARCH+, (159/160).
with SARS (2001) Aktau-Schewtschenko. Umbau, (18).
with SARS (2000) Aktau. Die Planstadt am Kaspischen Meer. Bauwelt, (16).
with Sebastian Soukup (1997) Brasília, Long. 47º53' w, Lat. 15º47s. Caramelo, (9).
Conference papers
(2015) The obvious response: public consultation as a tool for urban planning in Mozambique, Local Government and Urban Governance: Citizens responsive innovations in Europe and Africa, IGU, Universidade de Lisbon.
with M. Gómez Salas de Schetter (2014) Developing the 2013 Inhambane Master Plan Southern Africa Cities Study Conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
(2009) Landscapes of knowledge, thresholds into uncertainty oder Wie kommt das Fenster in die Wand?
Constructing Knowledge – Das Wissen in der Architektur, Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen.
(2008 - 2009) O planeamento físico como base do ordenamento territorial e urbano, Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo de Inhambane, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
(2004) Stadterneuerung durch Platzgestaltung, Öffentlicher Raum in Lyon, Leibniz Universität Hannover.
(2003) Brasília – paradigmas espaciais de uma metrópole em crescimento. Universidade Moderna de Setúbal.
(2001) Bedingungen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Urban 21 – Panorama der Stadtentwicklung in den Entwicklungsländern, Leibniz Universität Hannover.
(2001) Den Ort verdichten – von Martin Heidegger zu Derek Walcott, Kulturleistung und Mobilität in Lyrik und Philosophie. École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon.
(2001) Randstad y la tercera edad del modernismo holandés, Lecture series at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and the Order of Architects Tucumán.
(2001) Berlin – desarollo urbano y arquitectonico durante la decada del noventa. Lecture series at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and the Order of Architects Tucumán.
(2001) Brasilia – de ciudad planeada a region dispersa. Lecture series at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and the Order of Architects Tucumán.
(2001) La ciudad disminuyente: gestalt de un proceso. Lecture series at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and the Order of Architects Tucumán.
(2000) Functional urbanism in a post-functional state: Urban development and social relations in Aqtau with Schlieps, Arlt, Richter, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur, Vienna.
(2000) Development hypothesis on the city of Schewschenko with Schlieps, Arlt, Richter. Goethe-Institute Almaty.
architecture competition, 5th prize
awarded for Centro de Arte la Regenta, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
architecture competition, 1st prize
awarded for Ferry-Porsche-Congress-Center, Zell am See
urban design competition, 3rd prize
awarded for Ehemalige Gendarmerie-Zentralschule Mödling
architecture competition, 2nd prize
awarded for Winseler Zentrum: Wohnbebauung und Rathaus (with Jens Giesecke)
Wilhelm Schütte Grant from the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur
awarded to SARS Group for research on the city of Schewtschenko, Kazakhstan
Research and travel grant from Mario Einaudi Centre and the Graduate School at Cornell University
awarded to undertake 2-months research for a master thesis in Brasília
architecture and urban design competition, 1st prize
awarded for EUROPAN 5: Standort San Basilio (with Gruppe SARS)
Fulbright grant
awarded for one year to Cornell University
urban design competition, 4th prize
awarded for Östlicher Abschnitt der Messestadt München-Riem (with Thomas Richter)
Erasmus stipend
awarded for one semester to the University of Porto
Association of German Architects (BDA)
cinemameu - International African Film Festival
Organization and Management 2011 – 2013