Habitat Unit


Nina Pawlicki



Room A 409, CoCoon
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 29647
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907

Curriculum Vitae

Nina Pawlicki has been a researcher at Habitat Unit since November 2013. Her work focuses on actor-driven processes in the design of social spaces with a particular interest in facilitating mutually-beneficial collaborations on the interface between academia and non-academia. Nina studied architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She became part of the CoCoon-Studio in 2011.

Nina Pawlicki's research, practice and teaching is dedicated to the DesignBuild methodology. Through transdisciplinary, hands-on approaches she is seeking to investigate how community engagement processes can lead to the design of more inclusive and diverse living environments. The main objective is to develop contextual, sustainable and locally appropriate strategies and built solutions. Working in interdisciplinary and intercultural contexts she is especially concentrating on refugees and migrants as urban actors.

Nina initiated the Kitchen-Hub project as a transdisciplinary laboratory in a close collaboration with the NGO Über den Tellerrand in 2015. Since 2013 she is part of the research consortium EDBKN - European DesignBuild Knowledge Network funded by the European Union. In 2012, she co-hosted the symposium 'DesignBuild-Studio: New Ways in Architectural Education' at TU Berlin as first international encounter of DesignBuild-Studios and their network partners. She participated in CoCoon's DesignBuild-Studio 'Praktikumsseminar Mexiko' in 2009 where she works as project manager and construction supervisor ever since. Within her teaching and research activities she ran projects in Mexico, Colombia, Jordan, Mongolia and Germany. She has a wide range of experiences from her time working as a freelance architect for various architecture offices.


Global Project Management+, TU Berlin, in-service training and extension studies.

2000 – 2008
Diploma in Architecture (Dipl.-Ing.), TU Berlin
(Thesis) Potenzial einer schrumpfenden Stadt: Bitterfeld-Wolfen. with Jeanette Werner. (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle).

2007 – 2008
Exchange student, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Department of Architecture.

Employment History+

Since 2013
Research and Teaching Associate
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

Since 2011
Research Associate
CoCoon – sector for contextual construction, TU Berlin, Directed by Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Ursula Hartig

Since 2006
Freelance architect in Berlin

Research Projects+

Since 2015
Refugee City: Kitchen-Hub / Inselgarten.

Habitat Unit in collaboration with CoCoon, TU Berlin and Über den Tellerrand e.V., transdisciplinary laboratory funded by Sto-Stiftung

Since 2013
EDBKN – European DesignBuild Knowledge Network. 

Habitat Unit in collaboration with CoCoon, TU Berlin, funded by the European Union


Teaching Activities+

SS 2017
Design Studio: Urban Lab Medellín I Berlin: Co-producing Urban Eco-systems. Architecture and Urban Design master's course, Habitat Unit in collaboration with Urban Oasis, Quest, and Chair of Urban Resilience and Digitalisation, Prof. Jochen Rabe, TU Berlin; including a Summer School in Berlin with Colombian students and community partners funded by Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, supported by Arch+ Verein, TU Berlin

WS 2016/2017
Spring School: Urban Lab Medellín I Berlin. Habitat Unit in collaboration with Urban Oasis, Moritz Ahlert, Benjamin Förster-Baldenius, Quest, Prof. Jochen Rabe, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and the Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia, funded by Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, supported by Arch+ Verein, Medellin


WS 2016/2017
Design Studio: Refugee City: Greening Camps. Architecture, Urban Design and Town- and Regional Planning master's course, Habitat Unit in collaboration with GIZ, University of Petra and Chair of Urban Resilience and Digitalisation, Prof. Jochen Rabe, TU Berlin

SS 2016
Summer University: Panke-Platz. Summer school with international students, in collaboration with BA Pankow, Bucher Bügerverein and AWO Kreisverband Berlin Mitte e.V., funded through FEIN-Förderprogramm der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt and tubs science Marketing, TU Berlin

SS 2016
Design Studio: Arrival City: Berlin Buch, Architecture bachelor's course, Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

WS 2015/2016
Design Studio: Refugee City: Coproducing green communities; Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Town- and Regional Planning master's course, Habitat Unit in collaboration with GIZ, UNRWA, Community Development Office Jerash Camp, University of Petra and Chair of Landscape Architecture. Open Space Planning, Prof. Giseke, TU Berlin

SS 2015
Summer School: Refugee City: Kitchen-Hub., Habitat Unit in collaboration with CoCoon-Studio and Über den Tellerrand e.V., funded by Sto-Stiftung

SS 2014Summer School: Nomad City. Habitat Unit in collaboration with Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulan-Bator

WS 2012/2013
Seminar: Architecture Communication. Preparatory seminar for the symposium and exhibition DesignBuild-Studio: New Ways in Architectural Education, CoCoon, TU Berlin 

SS 2012
Seminar: Documentation of the DesignBuild project 'NAXIÍ', A jam manufactory for NAXIÍ. CoCoon, TU Berlin 

WS 2011/2012
DesignBuild Studio: 'NAXIÍ'. CoCoon, TU Berlin


Book contributions

with Ursula Hartig (Forthcoming 2017) Intercultural Competencies: Teaching the Intangible. In: Abendroth. L. and Bell, B. eds. Public Interest Design Education Guidebook: Curricula, Strategies, and SEED Academic Case Studies. London: Routledge.

with Ursula Hartig (Forthcoming 2017) A Jam Manufactory for NAXIÍ. In: Storonov, T. ed. The Design-Build Studio, Crafting Meaningful Work in Architecture Education. London: Routledge.

with Dr. Philipp Misselwitz (2017) Refugee City: Jordanien / Arrival Infrastructures: Berlin. In: Hehl, R. and Engel L. eds. Transtopia - Narrative zur urbanen Transformation. Berlin: Ruby Press. 


Other articles and publications

(2016) Neue Volksküchen: Kitchen-Hub, Bauwelt 48, 2015.

(2016) Kitchen-HubSummer School Habitat Unit, Documentation, TU Berlin.

(2015) Malaab El KobriDesignBuild Studio Cairo, Documentation, GUC/TU Berlin.

(2014) DesignBuild-Studio: New Ways in Architectural Education, Symposium, Proceedings, TU Berlin.

(2012) Eine Marmeladenmanufaktur für NAXIÍ, DesignBuild-Studio Mexiko 2012, Documentation, TU Berlin.

(2009) Eine Gemeinschaftshaus für UMCAMIX, DesignBuild-Studio Mexiko 2009, Documentation, TU Berlin.


Conference proceedings

(2015) High tech / low threshold: digital communication in DesignBuild initiatives. WORKING OUT: thinking while building, ACSA.

with Simon Colwill (2015) Adaption to the context: a jam manufactory for NAXIÍ. WORKING OUT: thinking while building. ACSA.


Conference papers

(2017) The collateral effects of academic DesignBuild: students and community, aae conference 2017: architecture connects, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.

with Matthias Kestel (2017) The collateral effects of DesignBuild, Building on the Common Ground Conference, Portland State University, Portland.

(2015) designbuildXchange Platform, Structures for Inclusion 15, Lawrence Technological University, Detroit.

(2013) Implications of scale, Live Projects - Laboratories for Change?, University of Stuttgart.


Conference panel chairs

(2012) DesignBuild-Studio: New Ways in Architectural Education. International symposium for cross-cultural, practice oriented projects in teaching and research, Berlin, 29 November – 1 December, (Co-director).

Invited Lectures+

(2017) Design for the Common Good, a network of networks. aae conference architecture connects, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.

(2017) Urban Lab Medellín I Berlin. Arch+ Features, BOX Freiraum, Berlin.

(2017) Kitchen-Hub. Public Interest Design Institute, AIA Portland, Portland.

(2016) Kitchen-Hub. Living the cooperative city, Österreichisches Kulturforum, Berlin.

(2016) dbXchange platform. HANDS ON. Enhancing architectural education, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna.

(2015) A jam manufactory for NAXII. Structures for Inclusion 15, Public Interest Design Institute, Lawrence Technological University, Detroit.

Grants, Awards, and Fellowships+

SEED Award for excellence in public interest design
awarded for the project 'A jam manufactory for NAXIÍ'

SEED Award Mexico
awarded for the project 'A jam manufactory for NAXIÍ'

2013 – 2014
UNESCO - Official project of the UN World Decade 2013/2014 'Education for Sustainable Development'
awarded for the project 'DesignBuild Knowledge Network' 

TU Berlin Exchange Scholarship
awarded to study for one year at the Department of Architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 

DAAD 'Go East' Research Grant
awarded to undertake a 2 month research field-trip on the urban development of Samarkand, Uzbekistan