Lucas-Andrés Elsner
Raum A 064
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 22224
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907
Curriculum Vitae
Lucas Elsner joined Habitat Unit in June 2018 as a researcher and PhD candidate.
His research focuses on the relationship between uneven spatial development, transportation infrastructures and sustainable urban development. He is currently the coordinator of the Wits-TUB-UniLag Urban Lab SDG graduate school. The project is a collaborative effort of Habitat Unit, the School of Architecture and Planning (Wits University) and the Centre of Housing and Sustainable Development (University of Lagos) focusing on education for sustainable development in African cities.
Lucas studied geography and political science at the University of Münster and the University of Helsinki and urban and regional planning at Technische Universität Berlin. Before joining Habitat Unit he was employed by an urban planning firm in Berlin where he mainly worked in projects in the fields of urban development strategies and participation processes.
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (M.Sc.) Technische Universität Berlin
(Thesis) Informeller Verkehr und städtische Governance: Multiskalare Verhandlungs- und Absicherungsstrategien des Bicitaxi-Sektors in Bogotá (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinrichs)
Bachelor of Science in Human Geography (B.Sc.) University of Münster
(Thesis) Technologie und Toleranz – eine empirische Überprüfung der Creatve-Class-These in Deutschland (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gerald Wood, Dr. Christoph Scheuplein)
Since 2018
Researcher & Doctoral Candidate
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin
2015 – 2018
Urban Planner
„die raumplaner, Büro für Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung", Berlin
Student Research Assistant at the Department of Mobility and Urban Development, Institute of Transportation Research, German Aerospace Centre, Berlin
2011 – 2015
Student Research Assistant at the Department of Commercial Transport, Institute of Transportation Research, German Aerospace Centre, Berlin
Since 2020
Wits-TUB-UniLag Urban Lab, graduate school on sustainable urban development in cooperation with the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Lagos
SS 2021
Seminar Architecture's Supply Chains II - Publishing Workshop (with Elke Beyer)
WS 2020/21
Seminar Architecture's Supply Chains. Production Networks and Material Circuits in the Building Industry (with Elke Beyer)
SS 2019
Seminar: Architectures of Circulation: Urban Infrastructures of Global Commodity Production (with Elke Beyer)
Book contributions
with Elke Beyer, Anke Hagemann, Philipp (2022) Infrastructures For Global Production in Ethiopia and Argentina. Christian Haid, Angela Million, Ignacio Castillo Ulloa, Nina Baur, eds Spatial Transformation: Kaleidoscopic Perspectives on the Refiguration of Spaces. Routledge
Refereed Articles
with Elke Beyer, Anke Hagemann and Philipp Misselwitz (2021) “Industrial Infrastructure – Trans-Local Planning for Global Production in Ethiopia and Argentina”, Urban Planning 6 (3), 444-463
with Jens Klauenberg and Christian Knischewski (2020): Dynamics in the spatial distribution of hubs in groupage networks – the case of Berlin. In: Journal of Transport Geography, 88,
Other articles and publications
with Elke Beyer, Anke Hagemann, David Bauer, Katerina Marekova, Ludwig Thanhäuser, Anna Steigemann, Aine Ryan, Christian Haid (2020) “Die globale Fabrik. Räume der Logistik und die letzte Meile In Berlin-Brandenburg“, Arch+ 241, 194-207.
with Patrick Giebel and Niklas Steinert (2013): Die Altstadt von Küstrin ein Erinnerungsort? Entwicklung und Anwendung eines prozessualen Konzeptes zur raumgebundenen Erinnerung am Beispiel des Erinnerungsorts Altstadt von Küstrin – Ergebnisse eines Studienprojekts. In: Traba, Robert u. Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefanczyk (Eds.): Historie. Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 6, 2012/2013. Berlin, 272-287
Conference Papers
with Elke Beyer and Anke Hagemann: Global Production, Infrastructure Provision and Urbanization: Two Cases in Ethiopia and Argentina, Southern Africa City Studies Conference 2020, Johannesburg (virtual)
with Elke Beyer, Anke Hagemann and Philipp Misselwitz: Infrastructures for Global Production in Ethiopia and Argentina, conference Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architectures, Cities, Territories, Lisbon.
with Elke Beyer: Textile Enclaves and Soybean Trains. Providing infrastructures for global production in Ethiopia and Argentina, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, August 29, 2019; Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Kiel, September 27, 2019.
with Anke Hagemann and Elke Beyer: Revisiting ‘Uneven Development’: The seesaw of capital and the relocation of Turkey’s globalized clothing production.
Global Conference on Economic Geography 2018, Cologne/Germany
with Lauri Turpeinen: The uneven spatialities of the Finnish forestry industry – Incorporating Neil Smith’s “Uneven Development” in commodity chain analysis.
Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers, New Orleans/USA
with Jens Klauenberg and Christian Knischewski: Dynamics in the spatial distribution of hubs in groupage networks – the case of Berlin.
World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai/China
with Lauri Turpeinen (2016): I don’t want to grow up (the way you do) – hardcore punk as an adolescent disruption of suburban everydayness in 1980s Southern California.
Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers, San Francisco/USA
with Mirko Goletz, Nadmian Ndadoum and Barbara Lenz: Informal transport services in Bogotá and N’Djamena: Actors, interactions and characteristics.
CODATU Conference 2015 „Energy, Climate and Air Quality Challenges: The Role of Urban Transport Policies in Developing Countries”, Istanbul/Turkey
with Dirk Heinrichs: Providing Public Transportation Services under Conditions of 'Permanent Temporariness': Strategies within Bogotá's Informal Bicitaxi Sector to Deal with Uncertainty. „Metropolitan Temporalities“ Conference at the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin/Germany
Conference Panel Chairs
with Carmel Rawhani (2022): Destabilizing powerful asymmetries in Afro-European knowledge co-production, VAD conference 2022, “Africa-Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives”, Freiburg
With Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane (2021): Learning, N-AERUS 2021 conference “How to Plan in a world of Uncertainty?”, Berlin,
with Lauri Turpeinen and Gertrude Saxinger (2019): Exploring the intersections between translocal living practices and infrastructural changes, SIEF 2019 “Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World“, Santiago de Compostela/Spain
TU Berlin Internal Funding
awarded to prepare research proposal for external funding
PROMOS scholarship
Scholarship for an internship at Fundación despacio in Bogotá/ Colombia
„Gesellschaft von Freunden der TU Berlin" travel grant
Awarded for the participation at the CODATU conference in Istanbul/Turkey
DAAD Travel and Research Grant
awarded for 2-month research stay at Javeriana University, Bogotá/ Colombia