Office Manager
Franziska Berger
Room 624 (A 53)
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21908
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907
Curriculum Vitae
Franziska Berger has been Office Manager at the Habitat Unit since 2002. Previously she was an assistant to the editorial board at the Berliner Zeitung, a project assistant and interpreter at the German Chamber of Commerce in Madrid (Spain), an employee at Berlin-Weissensee Academy of Arts/ Department for Public Relations and Events, and a nurse at Berlin Charité Hospital.
1997 – 1999
Foreign-language correspondent clerk (Spanish/English), Berufsfachschule DIDACTICA, Berlin
1992 – 1996
Studies in Sociology, FernUniversität Hagen (not completed)
1983 – 1986
Nurse for anesthetics and emergency, Fachschule der Charité der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Since 2002
Office Manager
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin
Service for students, budget administration, coordination of teaching, general office staff
2000 – 2002
Assistant to the editorial board at the Berliner Zeitung
Berliner Verlag, Berlin
Office manager tasks, human resources development, assistance on specific editorial projects
1999 – 2000
Project assistant
Deutschen Handelskammer für Spanien, Madrid
Assistance for companies, general office staff, interpreting and translation staff, public relations, organisation of fairs
1989 – 1995
Event manager
Kulturhaus Weißensee, Berlin
Organisation of event programs, public relations, budget administration
1986 – 1989
Nurse for anesthetics/ emergency
Charité hospital, Berlin