Habitat Unit

Associated Researcher

Anne-Katrin Fenk

HU_Anne-Katrin Fenk



2000 – 2003
Diplom of Architecture
School of Fine Arts, Weißensee, Berlin

1995 – 2000
Diplom of Architecture,
School of Applied Science, Cologne

Employment History+

Since 2016 
Lecturer and curator: Similizi Mijini – Urban Narratives from Below
TU Berlin

Since 2010
Founder and senior researcher 
MOD Institute, Berlin

2014 – 2016
Lecturer: seminar and project work
'The city spatial and social improvement' ZEWK (central service for scientific training and cooperation). TU Berlin

Scientific assistance,
Institute of Education Studies History of Education, Humboldt University of Berlin

2013 – 2014
Teaching assignments at the chair of Urban Design and Urbanization
Prof. Jörg Stollmann, TU Berlin

2013 – 2014
Teaching assignment at the chair of  Urban Design
Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich, Prof. Marc Angélil, The Growing House – India/Brazil

2005 – 2010
Assistant professor
Chair of Landscape Architecture and Open Space Planning, Prof. Udine Giseke

2008 – 2019
Teaching assignment 
Chair of Space Strategies, School of Fine Arts Berlin-Weißensee

2004 – 2005
Teaching assignment 
Chair of Space Strategies, School of Fine Arts Berlin-Weißensee

2003 – 2004



with Tile von Damm und Rachel Lee (2015) OK India. Otto Koenigsberger. Architecture and Urban Visions in India, MOD / TAG, Bengaluru.

with Tile von Damm und Markus Ewald (2015) People's Visions on Future Shanthinagar, MOD, Bengaluru.

Book contribution

with Gesa Königstein (2015) 'Amazing Space. Mehr als Partizipation – Entwurf und Teilhabe im Diskurs'. Park Gleisdreieck / Park Life Berlin, transcript.

with Gesa Königstein (2014) 'UASI – Urban Agriculture Spatial Index'(peer-reviewd). Proceedings ECLAS conference 2013, Jovis

(2014) '(Not) Affordable Housing', Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Affordable Living - Housing vor Everyone!, Jovis Verlag.

with Gesa Königstein (2014) 'Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?', Dérive, Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, Nr.56: Smart Cities.

with Tile von Damm, Markus Ewald und Leona Lynen (2014) Crowdsourcing the City: Nextbangalore, Goethe Institute (Hrsg): Weltstadt Zeitung No.10, Berlin. 

(2014) 'Towards Integrative Communities. Strategies for Social Housing', MOD_001, Bangalore/Berlin.

with Tile von Damm (2013) 'Entrepreneur City – NextBangalore', Revue. Magazine for the Next Society, Heft 14, Berlin.

with Tile von Damm (2013) Bangalore – Dimensionen einer Stadt", Koppelkamp, Stefan: Ausstellungskatalog exhibition catalogue; Visualizing Bangalore, Berlin 2012.

with Tile von Damm (2013) 'Was ist Stadt? Fragen an den indischen Urbanismusdiskurs', Gegenworte 26, Berlin 2011.

(2013) 'Space is the Yantra', Urban Design, Summer 2011, Issue 116, London U.K.

with Karsten Scheffer (2013) 'Sabarmati - Entwicklungsprojekt für ein Flussufer', Topos Nr.68, 2009 S. 42-45.

with Undine Giseke (2013) 'How to design for Urban Agriculture', 'Multifunctional landscape design systems', Topos 74 special supplement; Urban Agriculture Casablanca, Callway.