Habitat Unit

Researcher & Doctoral Candidate

Ania Wilk-Pham



Habitat Unit, Room A 624
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21908
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907

Curriculum Vitae

Ania Wilk-Pham has been a member of Habitat Unit Team since 2015. She is working at the interface of integrated planning and architecture. Her research interests combine the areas of extended urbanisation, community-based planning and co-production, engaged teaching and community engagement in architectural education. Ania studied architecture and urban planning at the Technical University in Berlin, Leibniz Universität in Hannover and Technical University of Poznan.

Ania is part of the Polyurbwater (BMBF, 2019-2024) research team, looking at polycentric approaches to the management of urban water resources in South-East Asia - a localization of the sustainability targets of agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda at the city/municipality level. In this project, Habiatat Unit will develop integrated and participatory urban development approaches. The scientific monitoring of the real laboratories will be carried out from a planning and urban research perspective with the aim of translating the concrete experiences into strategic approaches, instruments and tools that can be transferred to other districts or municipalities (upscaling).

Since 2016 Ania is also conducting research on Design-Build projects as a teaching method in architecutre. She is investigating the field of public interest design and the community engagement in the design and construction process.



2014 – 2018
Master of Science in Architecture (M. Sc), (Thesis) Engaged Teaching. Design-Build projects, participatory design and community engagement in architectural education. (Supervisor: Prof. Philipp Misselwitz, Prof. Nina Gribat) TU Berlin

2012 – 2013
Bachelor of Science in Architecture (B. Sc), Leibniz University Hannover. Exchange programm

2010 – 2014
Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planing (B. Sc), Poznan University of Technology

Employment history+

Since 2019
Researcher & Doctoral Candidate
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

Since 2018
Freelancer Architect

2014 - 2018
Student Assistant
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

Architect Assistant
AV62 Arquitectos, Barcelona

Architectural Trainee
City Department of Urban Planing, Koszalin


with Anne Florence Seele (forthcoming 2019) Engaged Teaching. Design-Build projects, participatory design and community engagement in architectural education. TU Berlin Verlag

with Chair for Urban Design and Urbanisation (2014) Methodology of research-designing. Typological bombardment.  StadtBauwelt (205).

Grants, Awards and Fellowships+

2014 - 2016
Scholar of the DAAD Master Programme for Artists and Architects.

Third Place Award for the Design of the main Promenade in cooperation with students: Agata Wiklendt and Joanna Werra. Mayor of the City Kielce. Poland.

Grand Prize: Stegreif Podbielski Strip. LU Hannover and City Hannover. Architecture and Urban Planing of Podbielski Street in Hannover.