Habitat Unit

Researcher & Doctoral Candidate

Ania Wilk-Pham



Habitat Unit, Room A 624
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21908
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907

Curriculum Vitae

Anna Wilk-Pham is a member of Habitat Unit Team since 2015. She is working at the interface of integrated planning and architecture. Her research interests combine the areas of extended urbanisation, community-based planning and co-production, water-sensitive urban design, nature-based solutions, polycentric urban water management and engaged teaching and community involvement in architectural education. Anna studied architecture and urban planning at the Technical University in Berlin, Leibniz Universität in Hannover and Technical University of Poznan. 

Anna is part of the PolyUrbanWaters research team (BMBF, 2019–2027), which explores polycentric approaches to the management of urban water resources in South-East Asia. The project localizes sustainability goals outlined in Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda at the city and municipal levels. Anna’s work focuses on developing integrated and participatory urban development strategies by collaborating closely with local stakeholders, including communities, public and private actors, and municipalities. From a planning and urban research perspective, the scientific monitoring of real-world laboratories aims to translate practical experiences into strategic approaches, tools, and instruments. These outcomes are designed to be transferable and scalable to other districts or municipalities.

Since 2016 Anna is also conducting research on Design-Build projects as a teaching method in architecture. She is investigating the field of public interest design and the community engagement in the design and construction process.


2014 – 2018
Master of Science in Architecture (M. Sc), (Thesis) Engaged Teaching. Design-Build projects, participatory design and community engagement in architectural education. (Supervisor: Prof. Philipp Misselwitz, Prof. Nina Gribat) TU Berlin

2012 – 2013
Bachelor of Science in Architecture (B. Sc), Leibniz University Hannover. Exchange programm

2010 – 2014
Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planing (B. Sc), Poznan University of Technology

Employment history+

Since 2019
Researcher & Doctoral Candidate
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

Since 2018
Freelancer Architect

2014 - 2018
Student Assistant
Habitat Unit, TU Berlin

Architect Assistant
AV62 Arquitectos, Barcelona

Architectural Trainee
City Department of Urban Planing, Koszalin



with Setiawan, B., Arum, H. R. T., Rahma, N., Thamrin, H. N., Setiyadi, B., Putri, N. R., Hizbaron, D. R., Fadlillah, L. N., Suarma, U., Puspowardoyo, P., Hoxha, X., Marleni, N. N. N., Istiqomah, N. A. (2024). Vision building for water-sensitive planning: Towards a livable, harmonious, and sustainable peri-urban community of Rejodani, Sleman, Indonesia. H. N. Thamrin, N. R.Putri, H. R. T. Arum, & N. Rahma (Eds.)

with Gutterer B., Hocking R., Hodgson A., Imsirovuc T., Hebbeker F., Hoxha Xh., (2023) Towards a Sustainable and Water-Sensitive Krong Kratié, Cambodia. Baseline AssessmentFindings and Strategy Development. BORDA e.V.

with Gutterer B., Hodgson A., Khamphilayvong B., Hoxha Xh., Hebbeker F., Hocking R. (2023) Towards a Sustainable and Water Sensitive Sam Neua Town, Laos – Polycentric Approaches for the Management of Urban Waters – Baseline Study and Strategy Development. BORDA e.V.

with Dekker G., Gutterer B., McNamara I., WestermannJ. (2021) Responding to urban water challenges in Southeast Asia. Introducing polycentric management approaches to create resilient, water-sensitive cities. Eds.: Gutterer, B., Misselwitz, P., Ribbe, L. BORDA e.V. 


Book Chapters 

with Hoxha Xh., Hebbeker F., Imsirovic T. (2024). Towards Water-Sensitive Urban Design Through Polycentric Participatory Approaches. The Case Study of Sariharjo, Sleman Regency, Indonesia. In: Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M., Flynn, A. (eds) Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.



with Hagemann A., Hodgson A., Hebbeker F., Hoxha Xh., Nguyen E., Ribbe L. (2022) PolyUrbanWaters: Issue 1: Living With Water  (B. Gutterer, A. Hagemann, L. Ribbe, Eds.). Berlin Universities Publishing. 



Hoxha Xh., Thamarin H. N., (2022) Water Knowledge. Understanding the perception of various stakeholder groups and their impact on the sustainable management of urban waters in Sariharjo village in Indonesia. In: Hagemann A., Hodgson A., Hebbeker F., Hoxha Xh., Nguyen E., Ribbe L., Wilk-Pham A. (2022) PolyUrbanWaters: Issue 1: Living With Water  (B. Gutterer, A. Hagemann, L. Ribbe, Eds.). Berlin Universities Publishing. 

with Galuszka J. (2022) Incremental housing extensions and formal-informal hybridity in London, United Kingdom. Questioning the formal housing imaginaries in the ‘North’, Habitat International, Volume 130, 2022, 102692, ISSN 0197-3975.

with Chair for Urban Design and Urbanisation (2014) Methodology of research - designing. Typological bombardment. StadtBauwelt (205).

Invited Lectures+

with Imsirovic T. (2024) Inclusive and Climate-sensitive Urban Development Hybrid talk. Liveable and Inclusive Cities for All, GIZ (online). 

(2024) Finding new ways of knowledge production: translocal exchange and multistakeholder collaboration for more sustainable and inclusive development. Fostering social solidarity while co-producing spaces that encourage community empowerment. Hybrid Talks 46 – Critical Social Practices. Hybrid Plattform Berlin. 

(2022) Introduction to Water-Sensitive Urban Design. Universitas Gadjah Mada,Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 


with Hoxha X., Thamarin H. N., Setiyadi B., (2024) Empowering Community Involvement and Stakeholder Engagement in Water-Sensitive Neighborhood Planning: A Case Study of Sariharjo, Sleman, Indonesia.  Urban Transition.  Elsevier. Sitges, Spain. 

with Hoxha X., Mercado Leal J. D., Setiyadi, B., Aswad Alobaidy Z.S., (2024) Towards Water-Sensitive Urban Planning: Integrating Nature-Based Solutions through a Participatory Approach in Sleman, Indonesia. Harnessing Nature-Based Solutions for Resilient and Sustainable Cities. Sciences Po Paris, France.


Conference Panel Organization and Moderations

with Giedych R.  (2024) Engagement in planning.  Urban Transition.  Elsevier. Sitges, Spain. 

With PolyUrbanWaters Research Team (2024) Understanding water challenges within a rapid urban transformation process of secondary and tertiary cities in Southeast Asia. Asian Institut of Technology, Bangkok. 

with Imsirovic T., Hoxha X. (2023) Bridging the Gap_Strategic Urban Governance Approaches Towards Inclusive and Resilient Cities in Southeast Asia. Asian Pacific Urban Forum 8. Seul, Korea. 

with Hoxha Xh. (2022) Water-sensitive transformation of secondary and tertiary cities in Southeast Asia. 5th World Planning School Congress, 16th Asian Planning School Association Congress. 

with Dekker G. (2021) Urban Water Management. Water Security and Climate Change Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam

Grants, Awards and Fellowships+

2014 - 2016
Scholar of the DAAD Master Programme for Artists and Architects.

Third Place Award for the Design of the main Promenade in cooperation with students: Agata Wiklendt and Joanna Werra. Mayor of the City Kielce. Poland.

Grand Prize: Stegreif Podbielski Strip. LU Hannover and City Hannover. Architecture and Urban Planing of Podbielski Street in Hannover.