Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Dr. Hassan Elmouelhi
Place Making in Vulnerable Areas - the Case of Ain Qiniya, Palestine
Technical University Berlin and Berziet University (Summer school, Ramallah, March 2020)
- Spring School cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic -
The Berlin Technical University – Urban Development department (TU Campus EL Gouna) in cooperation with Habitat Unit – chair of International Urbanism and design, and Berziet University, department of Architecture, organize a students workshop: "Place Making in vulnerable Palestinian area (Ain Quinya)", funded and supported by GIZ (Palestine).
This workshop is a week-long of collaborative experimentation and ideas exploration which address local issues about the everyday life in Ein Qinya village and its relationships with all urban, social, political challenges on one hand and the natural and ecological potentials on the other hand.
Students from Palestine and Germany shall work together in order to develop general visions according to their analysis of existing conditions and needs and then design a key project that tackles a crucial problem and solve it thus resulting in the revival of the village open space.
Students will be divided into three groups. There will be organized site visits where each group focuses on one of the specified themes for the analysis; hence all groups will put together one thorough analysis of the village. Lectures will focus on the rural landscapes, strategic planning and place making.
10 students from TU Berlin (Master of Urban Development, Urban design, architecture and urban planning), will be selected to work together with 10 students from Berziet University, department of architecture to work together on understanding and analyzing the Ain Qinya area near Ramallah in the west bank. The area suffers from poor quality of public space, in addition to basic infrastructure issues.
The program will be composed of contributions from instructors in the form of lectures, site visits and field work, series of discussions, meetings with stakeholders and excursions to different city areas which aims at introducing the students to the local context, develop their knowledge on place making and exchange Palestinian/ German experiences in place making projects.
Output: By the end of the workshop, the students will be able to reach a design proposal to presented by the end of the workshop to local stakeholders and GIZ representatives, with a possibility to be implemented as a following follow up activity. A simple implementation activity will take place for one day in order to test the capacity of local participation, in addition to providing a minor change to the reality of the locals, as a contribution to improving their living conditions.
Period: 7 days, from 21st March till 28th March (tbc)
Expenses: Flight tickets and accommodation: covered by GIZ-Palestine.
Visa: It is the responsibility of the students to prove the ability of obtaining a visa to enter the Palestinia Territories.
Application: please send the following documents till 28th February to elmouelhi@tu-berlin.de
- CV and motivation letter
- Copy of a valid passport.
Contact: Dr. Hassan Elmouelhi elmouelhi@tu-berlin.de
- Spring School cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic -
Seminar, 3 ECTS
It is the responsibility of the students to prove the ability of obtaining a visa to enter the Palestinia Territories.
March 21st - March 28th 2020
Application via Mail until 18.02.2020 (CV, Motivation Letter, copy of valid passport) to elmouelhi@tu-berlin.de
Dr. Hassan Elmouelhi
Room A 409
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21908
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907