Habitat Unit

SUMMER SCHOOL, SS 2018 | April 15-21 | Wits Johannesburg
Prof. Dr. Philipp MisselwitzDr. phil. Anna SteigemannJakub Galuszka

WITS-TUB Urban Lab Graduate School – 2 nd Joint Summer School

The Wits-TUB Urban Lab – 2nd Joint Summer School is organized by the School of Architecture and Planning (SoAP) in cooperation with the Habitat Unit at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and will be hosted from the 15th-21th of April 2018 at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The purpose of the summer school is to encourage international exchange of knowledge and research between postgraduate students of SoAP, TUB and local partners. The summer school will have a series of lectures, seminars, field trips, exhibitions and presentations by internal and external stakeholders. It will be joined by a group of master and PhD students from the Technical University of Berlin as well as current master and PhD scholarships holders of the Wits-TUB Urban Lab programme from the University of the Witwatersrand.

The summer school will involve piloting of a new course Theory and Practice of Urban Management (which is a core course of the Master of Urban Studies in the field of Urban Management) as well as one of the modules developed within the Wits-TUB Urban Lab project: ‘Co-producing knowledge between theory and practice’. It will be delivered through the engagement of students in an urban studio/workshop identified with partner organisations networked with the university and located in Braamfontein district.
The summer school is realised with the support from the DAAD and BMZ.
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