Habitat Unit

SEMINAR, WS 2013/2014
Johannes Novy, Ph.D.

The Tourism: (Urban)Development Nexus

Tourism has become increasingly important topic in urban studies and is today widely recognized not only as one of the world’s largest industries but also as a key driver of contemporary urban change in both: developed and less developed geographical contexts. Investigating tourism’s role in urban development processes, this en bloque seminar is divided into three parts: the first part will introduce participants through readings and class discussions to some of the major issues, concepts, themes and theories related to tourism as an economic force and social activity as well as the state of debate concerning tourism’s role and relevance in (urban) development. In the seminar’s second part students will be asked to employ their gained knowledge in individual research projects.

These research projects should draw upon (some of) the previously covered theoretical and empirical material and examine some question or topic (to be approved by the course instructor) related to the ‘tourism – (urban) development nexus’. In the seminar’s third part, students will present and discuss their projects in front of their fellow students.

Course Information+

Seminr, 3 ECTS
Arch M: WP (9) HAB.03

Teaching day
Friday, 11am - 4pm, A 606

First meeting
April 26, 2013, 11am, A 606


Johannes Novy, Ph.D.

Room A 624 
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21908 
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907