Transforming Solidarities
Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Prof. Anke Hagemann, Dr. Anna Steigemann, Dr. Moritz Ahlert
Transforming Solidarities
Practices and Infrastructures in the Migration Society
Habitat Unit (Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Dr. Anna Steigemann, Dr. Moritz Ahlert) is pleased to announce the successful research application of our interdisciplinary research consortium »Transforming Solidarities. Practices and Infrastructures in the Migration Society.«
The project will be funded through the Berlin University Alliance (DFG) within the Main Call Exploration Project Social Cohesion. Our interdisciplinary consortium considers Berlin as a ›laboratory‹ of the migration society, while solidarity is seen as an answer to the challenge of social cohesion. With the three working fields of labor, housing and health, we will examine the conditions under which solidarity is made possible, as well as its social practices and infrastructures, since this is where social negotiations take place and which determine whether and how we act im solidarity. In addition, for our research consortium, work, housing and health are also the fields and dimensions, in which the crisis of social cohesion and the need to rethink solidarity manifest themselves.
We speak of solidarity in the migration society because we do not see migration and other forms of diversity as a threat to social cohesion, but rather as a social reality and thus as a main prerequisite for new forms of solidarity. Labor, housing, health are - such as conflicts about working from home, housing (access) and the Corona-App impressively demonstrate - central areas of the often diagnosed crisis of social reproduction. In order to address these challenges in a theoretically and empirically sound way and to remain in dialogue about these issues with the public, our consortium will help establish Berlin as an international research hub for investigating the future of solidarity in the migration society.
The consortium currently consists of 17 members of the Berlin universities (TU/FU/HU/Charité).
For further information please visit the project's homepage:
or contact Dr. Anna Steigemann or Dr. Moritz Ahlert