DAAD, 2019
Dr. Vittoria Capresi, Dr. Antonello Scopacasa
Urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the postwar era – a comparison: Theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today.
The architectural reconstruction after the Second World War in Berlin and Naples had many features in common. Projects of social housing were one of the outstanding challenges for either city, each profoundly characterized by general phenomena/ enormous problems - more political and economic on the Berlin side, more social and natural on the Naples side.
Which were the theoretical patterns used? How were those social housing projects planned, implemented and used? Which is their state of conservation today? Which are the current challenges as regards social conditions, architecture and adaptation?
©Napoli, Le Vele, Private collection
The project aims at comparing social housing case studies in the two cities of Naples and Berlin. Two workshops of five days each, one in Berlin and one in Naples, will involve students, experts and academics to present, discuss and visit several examples of social housing. By identifying the features which they have in common and discussing them the overall goal can be attained. This is to learn from these postwar processes for future projects, and at the same time to develop a theoretical framework that can be further used in the analysis of social housing.
The project is run as a cooperation between the Habitat Unit and the Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale in Aversa (Italy).
The project is fully financed by the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service.
We are looking for two M.A. students and two PhD students researching on social housing and on urban phenomena in the postwar era. We welcome proposals that investigate cultural, political or economic topics related to social housing in Berlin ( historical, social and economic background, theoretical approach, projects, dynamics, impact, current use etc.) Researches on urban history related to this focus and to this period are also welcome.
Project frame
The project is run in cooperation with the Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale in Aversa (Italy), and is fully financed by DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service Programme ("Hochschuldialog mit Süd-Europa").
Two workshops will take place in 2019, first in Berlin and then in Naples. The grant will cover travel and accomodation expenses in Naples (seven days).
Please apply until 3rd March, 2019 submitting a short résumé of your research, your CV and a motivation letter to: vittoria.capresi@tu-berlin.de
Time schedule and logistics
The Berlin workshop has been planned for the week 6-11 May or 3-8 June (to be fixed shortly) and will take place at the Technische Universität. The Naples workshop has been planned for the week 1-6 July or 15-20 July (to be fixed shortly) and will take place at the Università della Campania in Aversa near Naples. The meetings with students and the material preparations for the Berlin case will start in March and will continue into April. Workshop work will end in July.
Process and outcomes
The object of the project is to establish an inter-disciplinary meeting and a comprehensive overview which will help to set and represent historical and present conditions in their continuity. The teams of experts in Naples and Berlin will support the research and facilitate comparisons between the two cities by providing four or five study cases. Two M.A. students and two PhD candidates from Naples will take part in the project as the Italian counterparts researching, presenting and discussing the Italian case studies.
At the end of the project a comprehensive publication is planned.
Dr. Vittoria Capresi
Room A 409
T + 49 – 30 – 314 – 22588
F + 49 – 30 – 314 – 21907