Habitat Unit

Periodical 2023
Edited by Ava Lynam, Huang Huang, Sigrun Abels, Guiqing Yang

URA Periodical, Issue 2

By combining scientific and essayistic writings, photographic works, and ethnographic studies including interviews, spatial mappings and drawings, the periodical of the Sino-German research project 'Urban-Rural Assembly (URA)' seeks to bridge academic, practice and policy discourses around global sustainability challenges and integrated planning and governance approaches at the urban-rural interface, especially focusing on the Chinese context.

The second issue addresses the notion of “dialogues” by including research articles written collaboratively by Sino-German teams, graphic contributions incorporating voices from various geographical contexts, and puts emphasis on our interviews with experts in China and Germany, Sino-German Advisory Board members, as well as contacts from the field.

The URA periodical is an annual open-access publication, which accompanies the Sino-German research and development project URA: Urban-Rural Assembly (01LE1804A-D, 2019-2024), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the FONA program Sustainable Development of Urban Regions (SURE).

Please find the Open Access Journal here.