Periodical 2020
Edited by Xiaoxue Gao, Hannes Langguth, Ava Lynam, Philipp Misselwitz
URA Periodical, Issue 1
By combining scientific and essayistic writings, photographic works, and ethnographic studies including interviews, spatial mappings and drawings, the periodical of the Sino-German research project 'Urban-Rural Assembly (URA)' seeks to bridge academic, practice and policy discourses around global sustainability challenges and integrated planning and governance approaches at the urban-rural interface, especially focusing on the Chinese context.
The first issue addresses the notion of 'interfaces' that the URA research project refers to in multiple ways. By discussing first results of the project and its trans-disciplinary research approaches applied in the Huangyan-Taizhou region in China, the issue contributes to contemporary discourses on the transformation of urban-rural interfaces through bridging conceptual knowledge and scientific disciplines with implementable planning guidelines and practices.
The URA periodical is an annual open-access publication, which accompanies the Sino-German research and development project URA: Urban-Rural Assembly (01LE1804A-D, 2019-2024), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the FONA program Sustainable Development of Urban Regions (SURE).
Please find the Open Access Journal here.