Commodity flows and urban spaces
Articulo - Journal of Urban Research 21
Edited by: Anke Hagemann, Elke Beyer and Philipp Misselwitz
with contributions by Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Claudia Fonseca Alfaro, Lizzie Richardson, Katharina Grüneisl, Laura Henneke, Philipp Misselwitz, Anke Hagemann and Elke Beyer.
As industrial production for global markets is dispersed to an ever higher degree across various geographies, it causes steadily expanding physical movements of materials and goods. Spatial divisions of labour, fragmented production relations and selective connectivity have triggered complex spatial transformation processes and, thus, need to be understood as crucial driving forces of global urbanisation dynamics. How the actual sites, routes and transnational spatialities of global commodity production and distribution are constituted, poses many challenging and yet understudied questions for urban research that this Special Issue engages with. It introduces a cross-disciplinary spectrum of current empirical research from emerging scholars from different fields of geography, urban studies, architecture and planning. Contributions address how very diverse urban and peri-urban production settings and logistics spaces across the planet interact with the processing and movement of commodities from manufacturing to distribution and recycling. They focus on the relationship between global commodity circulation and the built environment as a significant expansion and enrichment of previous research debates.
Read the Journal (Open Source) here.
Published as a result of the research project Transnational Production Spaces, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant agreement No MI 1893/2-1.