June 24, 2019 | 6.00 pm | A 153, IfA
Common Good Orientation in Urban Development. How does this work?
In 2017, two studies were commissioned by the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district in Berlin, which were initiated by a number of urban political activists in the tenant movement and the bottom up movement. The aim was to define the tasks of an agency for common-good-oriented urban development and coordinated action between organised civil society, the district administration and the various non-profit actors in housing provision and real estate development. Meanwhile the newly established agency is preparing for its second phase. How can scientific practice between policy-making and self empowerment of civil society become effective?
Dagmar Pelger is an architect and researcher at TU Berlin (Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization, Prof. Jörg Stollmann) and HCU Hamburg. Her focus on cartography, spatial commons and codesign in urbanization processes is also defining her involvement in coop.disco (with R. Burghardt, P. Coelho, A. Heilgemeir, L. Rochlitzer), a planning and design practice for common good oriented spatial developments, based in Berlin.
June 24, 2019 | 6 pm | A 153, IfA
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin