January 26, 2015 | 18.00 Uhr | Room HBS 0.10
Gautam Bhan
Swept off the Map: Evictions, Citizenship and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi
Contemporary Delhi is a city scarred by the evictions of the homes of its poorest residents. These evictions differ from previous ones not just in their degree and intensity but in the fact that they were ordered within Public Interest Litigations by the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court of India.
How does an eviction come to represent the “public interest”? What does this tell us about contemporary notions of the public, of citizenship and of inequality in Indian cities?
Gautam Bhan teaches, re-searchers and writes on urban poverty and inequality at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore. His work both as an activist and academic has particularly focused on displacement, evictions and resettlement. He holds a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.
The lecture series "Urban Talks" is jointly organized by the Habitat Unit and the Urban Management Program at Technical University Berlin.
Room HBS 0.10, TU Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 16-18
10623 Berlin