Habitat Unit

May 30, 2018 | 6.00 pm | Floating University Berlin, Lilienthalstraße, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Die Nachwachsende Stadt – Green Economies

Architects and planners are increasingly confronted with new challenges: Fossil energy resources as well as non-renewable materials are on the decline, the effects of climate change and pollution threaten our living conditions and environment and lead to migratory movements and conflicts worldwide. Global urbanization and construction processes are among the largest greenhouse gas producers. At the same time, our increasingly urbanized societies offer a chance for a radical rethinking of these processes. Only if we succeed in making the global urban transformation sustainable and socially inclusive, we can secure our planetary survival.

Urban Talks #23_Poster

The construction industry is a huge contributor to the global economy. The traditional linear economic model (make - use - dispose) is incompatible with the reality of our environment’s current situation of resource scarcity and climate change are issues that must be confronted on both a global and a local scale. Alternative circular economies focus on the life-cycle of materials and their inherent value over the course of multiple usage cycles rather than just the initial construction costs. New business models are emerging to support such circular economies and tomorrows designers will need to be able to consider their decisions in terms of their life-time economic, ecological and social impact. What role do designers have to play in these newly emerging green economies? What kind of architectures can emerge from the consideration of circular economies?
This event consists of three short input lectures and a joint discussion, bringing together diverse perspectives on climate adaption. Speakers: Alice Grindhammer, Jörg Finkbeiner, Julia Brennauer, Phil von Lueder, Svenja Binz.

May 31, 2018 | 6 pm

Floating University Berlin
Lilienthalstraße, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg