Habitat Unit

Wednesday, 02.11.2022, 4-7 pm | Institute for Philosophy, Thielallee 43, Seminar Room 1, FU Berlin


On Left Internationalism –– Ayça Çubukçu 

Over the past two decades, paradigms of liberal internationalism that seek to govern humanity through the promise of universal human rights and the violence of international law have come under increased scrutiny for perpetuating imperial relations. At once, various visions of what can be named “left internationalism” have been mobilized to enable solidarity practices towards an emancipatory politics within and across national borders. This lecture will offer preliminary thoughts on dilemmas of solidarity that emerge from our contemporary predicament to explore how twenty-first century left internationalism can think through, and beyond, both “humanity” and “nation” when positioning its struggles in war and peace alike. 
Ayça Çubukçu is Associate Professor in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Codirector of LSE Human Rights. She is the author of For the Love of Humanity: the World Tribunal on Iraq (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018) and of numerous articles in the Los Angeles Review of BooksThe GuardianPolity, Al JazeeraThesis 11JadaliyyaLaw & Critique, parallax, the London Review of International Law, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies and other venues. She co-edits Humanity Journal and the LSE International Studies Series at Cambridge University Press.
Transforming Solidarities. Praktiken und Infrastrukturen in der Migrationsgesellschaft« is an interdisciplinary consortium of scholars who are conceptualizing and approaching Berlin as a ›laboratory‹ of migration society – that is, a society that is fundamentally and irrevocably transformed by migration. Through case studies that examine the interconnected areas of labor, housing and health we explore how solidarity is negotiated and investigate practices and infrastructures that condition or limit solidarity.
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Foto: (c) Monika Keiler