Habitat Unit
July 19, 2017 | 7pm | BOX Freiraum, Berlin 

Conflicts of an Urban Age - StadtGespräche 
Urban Lab Medellin | Berlin

As a Think&Do-Tankthe Urban Lab Medellín | Berlin creates a network of students of architecture and urban design, architects and planners as well as actors from the civil society, governing bodies, academia, the economy and cultural realm from Colombia and Germany through workshops, seminars, symposia and built interventions.
Medellin and Berlin are characterised by very different regimes of planning and participation as well as formal and informal urban change processes. Yet these defining differences offer an opportunity to interrogate planning approaches in both contexts and develop new instruments: Can Urban Coding be a shared approach to guide transformation processes towards more inclusive, co-produced, sustainable and urban neighbourhoods?
The UrbanLab Medellín|Berlin is a project by Habitat Unit, Urban Oasis and Quest in collaboration with the Universidad Pontifical Bolivariana. It is funded by Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and supported by the Arch+ association for the promotion of architectural and urban discourse. 
Conflicts of an Urban Age - StadtGespräche
Urban Lab Medellín I Berlin
July 19, 2017 I 7pm
BOX Freiraum
Urban Lab Medellin | Berlin_logos