Online Seminar V
November 27, 2020
The growth-equality dilemma and knowledge co-production for better public services
Considering that from a certain point economic growth does not necessarily bring in an increase in life quality, the question of how benefits are distributed becomes a critical challenge to be tackled (Pickett & Wilkinson, 2009). Equitable access to public goods and services is a form of benefit distribution and contributes to Equitable Economic Growth (EEG) by favouring increased employment opportunities and integration of the informal sector. As a possible means to support this process, research indicates that participatory dynamics of knowledge co-production (among science, policy and practice) can contribute to EEG by reducing the power and knowledge imbalance among participants. During the webinar, we aim to unpack possible pathways for equitable distribution of benefits from economic growth reflected into public services.
Date: Friday, November 24, 2020
Time: 15:00 CET
Livestream URL:
For more information, visit:
Luisa Moretto & Catalina Dobre
Faculty of Architecture, La Cambre-Horta, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Part I Topic: Equality - Growth Dilemma
1st Speaker: Ricardo Jordán (Consultant on Human Settlements - Chile).
Discussant: Serge Allou (UCLG World Secretariat)
Part II Topic: Knowledge Co-production in public services
2nd Speaker: Alexandra Linden (GIZ -German Development Cooperation)
Discussant: Joan MacDonald (Consultant on Human Settlements - Chile)
Closing remarks: Paola Alfaro-d'Alençon (Technische Universität Berlin)
This online seminar is organised by Working Package 1 as one of a five-part series to evaluate, contextualize and operationalize existing research by Cities Alliance on equitable economic growth in cities of the Global South. Three research networks, working in Europe (N-AERUS), Africa (AURI) and LAC (REDEUS_LAC), collaborate to identify common problems cities face in pursuing social equity and economic growth, to share tested strategies for integrating policy making and research, and to disseminate these strategies to broader urban contexts. By targeting a global audience, we can share experience both within and beyond the regional focus of each seminar. For more information on the project, please go to: