Habitat Unit

September 15 – 16, 2016 | Berlin | organised by the Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung in cooperation with the Habitat Unit

Habitat III: Co-producing sustainable cities?
Lokalregierungen und Zivilgesellschaft in der globalen nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung

The United Nations Conference Habitat III (Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development) will take place in Quito, Ecuador, from October 17-20, 2016. Here, a New Urban Agenda will be adopted (NUA) for sustainable urban development.

The NUA underlines the challenges and the great opportunities for a better future, which lie in the global urbanisation. It updates Habitat Agenda, developed twenty years ago and should show practical paths to global sustainable development. It is considered a first implementation Conference Agenda 2030 and will position cities and communities as central actors for sustainable global development.

One hope, put on the international institutions, is the greater proximity of city governments in relation to national institutions. Urban development, as identified in the New Urban Agenda, needs civil society actors for their successful implementation - as a partner, as a corrective and as counterparties to city governments.

The Habitat III Conference accepts the Co-producing sustainable cities? conference, as an opportunity to reflect on the interrelation of city governments and civil society for sustainable urban development in the global South and North. Representatives from local politics and civils will discuss the right issues to housing and land policy, access to employment and income, waste management and mobility.

– Günter Meinert
Manager of the sector project Urban Development, GIZ
– Diana Mitlin
Professor of Global Urbanism, University of Manchester
– Laia Ortiz Castellvi
Deputy Mayor of Social Rights, Barcelona
– Shivani Chauhdry
Housing and Lands Right Network, New Delhi
– Sonia M. Dias
Women in Informal Employment Globalising and Organising, Belo Horizonte / Manchester
– Sabine Drees
Secretary for Foreign Affairs, German Association of Cities

Thursday, September 15, 2016 | 4 pm – 9 pm
Friday, September 16, 2016 | 9 am – 3.30 pm 

Henrich Böll Stiftung
Schumannstraße 8
10117 Berlin

The conference is organised by Heinrich Böll Stiftung in cooperation with Habitat Unit.

More information about the programme.