November 14, 2017 | 12.00 Uhr | A 624
Transnational Networks and Urbanization in a South-East Bulgarian province: Clothing production in Kardzhali
Transnational production networks of the clothing industry are often constituted by inconspicuous actors and locations. Through multi-local research along the commodity chain, the project Transnational Production Spaces aims to build an understanding of the spatial structures and urban effects of production relations.
In this talk, Elke Beyer will explore clothing production for global markets in small town industry locations in Kardzhali, Bulgaria. She will put them in longer-term perspective of urbanization in and out of state socialism: from decentralized branch plants of the late Socialist era to the development of a low-wage sewing location for West European and Turkish buyers until the present. She will raise for discussion how relational urban research can address the multi-scalar interplay of local, national and transnational factors affecting economic and urban development.
Room A 624
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin