Habitat Unit

March 16, 2015 | 11.00 Uhr | A 625

Pooya Aladini
Urban Informal Settlements and Deteriorated Fabrics in Iran - Challenges, Policies, and Lessons Learnt

Rapid urbanization in many Middle Eastern countries has given rise to proliferation of slums and urban poverty across much of the region. Iran has two types of officially recognized slums targeted for upgrading—deteriorated fabrics and informal settlements. This talk will first discuss the main features of the urban economy in the Iranian context that shape the land, housing, and labor markets, and how, together with land-use regulations, they can create urban winners and losers. It will then provide an analysis of the two types of slum, including their sizes and main features. The presentation will proceed to critique assumptions, policies, and practices concerning each type of slum. Finally, it will highlight the most recent public-sector policies and activities concerning deteriorate fabrics and informal settlements.

Room A 625
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin