Habitat Unit

June 16, 2014 | 12.00 Uhr | A 625

European DesignBuildXchange - EDBKN
Presentation and discussion about dbXchange platform and network initiative

CoCoon and the Habitat Unit invite you to the first TU internal meeting on DesignBuild. The DesignBuildXchange platform and network, currently being developed by the EDBKN - the European DesignBuild Knowledge Network at the Technische Universität Berlin will be presented and discussed.

The EDBKN is a research consortium with five partners, funded by the European Union. The european dbXchange will form part of a worldwide initiative including the North-American based Design Build Exchange Network, the Seed Network and the international Live Projects Network. 

Within a DesignBuild-Studio students are undertaking interdisciplinary building projects from design to construction. In recent years they have become a new paradigm in architectural education all around the world.

Room A 625
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin