November 11, 2013 | 13.00 Uhr | A 064
Sergio Palleroni
Sharing Good Design as Means to Creating a Movement
In recent years with the tremendous growth of interest and involvement in what is now being termed "public interest design", there has been concurrent discussion emerging of how we set guidelines and metrics that can guarantee that the needs of clients are being truly met. "How do we know, and guarantee that the needs, desires, and involvement of clients communities in these projects are being respected, and that communities are involved in the process in a significant and fundamental way. The SEED Metric and Network has emerged in North America (and now Latin America) as an effort to address these issues and as a means to set up a means to share the best of these practices with both designers and communities. This presentation will explore the need and concept of public interest design and the SEED metric and the challenges it is attempting to address and faces now.
Sergio Palleroni is Director of the first US Center for Public Interest Design, and long time practitioner and educator in the field. He is head of the Advisory Board of the EDBKN.
About EDBKN: In a close collaboration, the Habitat Unit and CoCoon are conducting the research project ‘European DesignBuild Knowledge Network (EDBKN)’ in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology, Associazione Archintorno, German University Cairo and the Dalhousie University.
The EDBK Network will stimulate the sustainable, practice related, intercultural and interdisciplinary knowledge-transfer, foster multinational, interdisciplinary cooperation and promote research related to DesignBuild activities. The EDBKN will address stakeholders performing in the fields of research, non-academic and higher education, the building industry, clients, designers and planners, constructors and users.
The ‘EDBKN – European DesignBuild Knowledge Network’ will run under the Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 3 from October 2013 to September 2016.
Room A 064
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin