January 16, 2018 | 12.00 Uhr | A 624
How can we talk about a Modern Landscape?
Which are the elements which define the modernity of a landscape? The project MODSCAPES challenges the definition of Modern Landscape, investigating the rural landscape produced by large-scale agricultural development and colonisation schemes planned in the 20th century.
The presentation will deal with three case studies: the Pontine Plane, the colonial Libya and the South Oderbruch, introducing the history of those three very diverse rural landscapes, and presenting the current challenges of the research.
Dr. Vittoria Capresi has been senior researcher at the Habitat Unit since October 2016, as a Principal Investigator of the International European Project MODSCAPES – Modern Reinvention of the Rural Landscapes, a fully granted HERA project (Humanity in the European Research Area). Her research focuses on the role of fascist political architecture and on relating the physical environment with the narratives of the inhabitants, exploring the intersection between planned architecture and lived spaces.
Room A 624
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin