May 24, 2013 | 12.00 Uhr | A 064
Dr. Bastian Lange
A spatial view in music and creative industries
Recent trends in electronic music market as well as in creative industries have been based both on the valorization of global tastes and of local specialities in performance and production. Depending on symbolic as well as musical styles and market niches, local creative places and their scenes have become important forces behind heterogeneous ‘globalocal’ markets. At the same time, technological change and the virtualization of music and creative production and distribution contribute to increasingly differentiated commodity chains.
Bastian Lange, Dr. phil., is an urban and economic geographer and specialised within the creative industries, questions of governance and regional development. He spearheads the research and strategic consultancy office Multiplicities-Berlin and has since been Guest Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin between 2011 and 2012. He is particularly interested in socioeconomic transformation processes within the creative knowledge age, refining them into a useable form for the fields of politics, business and creative scenes.
A lecture in the context of the seminar Spatial Patterns of Globalization: Berlin as a Node of International Fashion Industries.
Room A 064
Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin