Habitat Unit

Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Dr. Jakub Galuszka, Dr. Oliver Lah

Urban Mobility Living Labs
Cross-sectorial projects for better connectivity and accessibility

The transformation of cities towards sustainable and inclusive development is a key objective of global agendas such as the SDGs or New Urban Agenda. There is substantial potential to improve urban access, air quality, safety and the quality of life in cities along with reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions if an integrated policy and planning approach is applied.

 Urban Mobility Living Labs Poster Neu

One of the key approaches which can facilitate such a transition is a living lab concept enabling experimentation, multi-stakeholder cooperation and testing of specific solutions in a place-based context.This studio supports this process through a perspective on transformative living labs focusing on improving urban mobility solutions, connectivity and fostering local innovation to contribute to sustainable urban development. This involves working towards solutions which reinforce linkages between urban planning, design, access to public transport and electric mobility for a benefit of diversified socio-economic groups.

Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate directly with an international team of experts in close collaboration with the Urban Change Makers Group project and selected partner cities involved in SOLUTIONSplus project (those include: Dar es Salaam, Kathmandu, Kigali and Montevideo).

Course Information+

Design Studio
12 ECTS + 3 ECTS (PIV)
Arch: EP Städtebau I
MA UD: PJ 1-3 EP
MA SRP: Projekt

Teaching Day
Thursday 10am-6pm

First meeting
05 November 2020

ISIS course selection