Habitat Unit

Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, David Bauer


In the context of the forthcoming 2020 centenary of Greater-Berlin the studio will look at the city's past (built, unbuild, destroyed, forgotten) and present (contested, procrastinating, path-dependent) to speculate on its future (socially and ecologically aware, sustainable, beautiful). Based on the study of current transformation drivers as well as local/global tendencies students will use an imagined Berlin placed in the years 2040/2070 as a laboratory for scenario building through speculative design approaches. Revisiting the bold move that unified eight independent cities, 59 rural communities and 27 estates within a single legislative act in 1919, the studio will rethink administrative boundaries, spatial constellations, infrastructures and resource flows from Mitte to the Hinterlands.

Poster Berlin XX XL WS19/20

Divergent scenarios will be developed with help of external experts on topics ranging from transformation design, climate change, resource and food security, energy, age or housing – combining research with speculative design in a playful manner. The studio will participate in the open urban design competition "100 years of (greater) Berlin International Urban Design Ideas Competition Berlin-Brandenburg 2070".

* Roman numereals "20 40" I Generic Sizes "Superlarge"

Course Information+

Urban Design Studio
MA UD: PJ 1-3 EP

Teaching Day
Thursday 10 am - 6 pm, A 202

First meeting
Oktober 17, 2019, 11 am, A 202

At the first meeting