Habitat Unit

Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, David Bauer, Dr. Cordelia Polinna

This One BB2040 - Transformation Laboratory

To make future living in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg resilient, inclusive, equitable and ecologically sustainable will require a number of vital systemic changes and “infrastructural turns”. Their materialization will — in all probability — visibly reshape territories, towns and streets and massively influence our current practices of land use and ways to perceive it. Many different realities, standpoints and attitudes will collide, strong compromises and trade-off´s will have to be made and entirely new coalitions will be formed along the way. What are the infrastructures that we will need to facilitate and govern these processes?

This course invites students to design a community-based, long-term, future-oriented, scenario-planning process to be held with stakeholders in the Region of Großräschen, Lausitz. Together with our partner municipality, students will survey an exemplary situation to build an understanding of ‘Infrastructure’ as an existing instrumental landscape of essential resources and spatial-material structures, actors, processes and services (systemic knowledge) which will inform the preparation for scenario-building forecasting and backcasting workshops with local stakeholders. In a last step, we will evaluate methods and impacts in order to define an applicable/scalable/transferable “BB Transformation Laboratory Design”.


Paul Porath, Greta Emily Marie Altenburger, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis Bakas, Alexander Jerosch-Herold, Nisa Kömürcü, Dennis Delikat, Paul Yannick Girod, Raquel Stattmiller Albuquerque Coutinho, Valeria Simonini, Ruben Amorim Vasques

Frederik Serroen
Colm MacAoid
Simona Paplauskaite
Dr. Christian Salewski
Simon Breth


Prof. Philipp Misselwitz
Dr. Cordelia Polinna
Dr. Elke Beyer
Veit Vogel
David Bauer