Habitat Unit

January, 13 6.00 pm | Halle 7, Institut für Architektur, TU Berlin

Exporting Campuses – Building Cities?

What is the relationship between transnational higher education investments and urban (trans)formations? Internationalising universities today not only exchange staff and students or partner with foreign institutions but may also construct physical presences abroad and thus export their degrees. Some offshore campus investments are clustered in so-called ‘education hubs’ or ‘education cities’, which exist for instance in Qatar, Dubai, or Malaysia.  The talk suggests that it is particularly useful to theorise these urban forms through the concept of transnational urban education zones. Drawing on extensive qualitative fieldwork the case of EduCity Iskandar, Malaysia, is presented to reveal the logics underlying the construction of transnational education spaces and related material and discursive transformations at the urban scale.

Urban Talk #24 Jana Kleibert

Dr. Jana Kleibert is an economic geographer. She is acting Head of the Department “Dynamics of Economic Spaces” at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS) and leads the Leibniz-Research Group „Constructing Transnational Spaces of Higher Education“ (TRANSEDU) at the IRS and the Humboldt University of Berlin. Together with her team, she investigates the material and discursive construction of European offshore campuses and education cities around the world. She received her PhD from the University of Amsterdam.

Website: www.ibc-spaces.org

January, 13 | 6:00 pm

Halle 7
Architecture Institute
TU Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin