Habitat Unit

November 3, 2016 | Berlin 

Über die Zukunft der Spree / On the Future of the River Spree

This symposium inputs to a number of current TU design studios - including the Habitat Unit 'Spree Athen' urban design studio – which focus on the River Spree, the urban and architectural fabric of its banks, and its role in the future of the wider city of Berlin.

The symposium was conceptualised and organised as a cooperation between the Habitat Unit, CUD and Flussbad Berlin e.V. It brings together diverse administrate and imaginative perspectives on the river, occasioning an exchange with students on visions for its future.


5 pm  Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz + Prof. Dr. Jörg Stollmann. TU Berlin: Welcome
5.10 pm  Tim Edler, Flussbad Berlin e.V.: Einführung: The Flussbad Project as a Starting Point
5.30 pm – Uwe Rada, Publizist: The River as Subject
5.50 pm  Luise Rellensmann, BTU Cottbus: Positions from Conservation
6.10 pm  Break
6.30 pm  Almut Jirko , Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt II: The River and Urban Development
6.50 pm  Prof. Dr. Heiko Sieker, Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH: The Flussbad Projekt in the Context of Water Management
7.15 pm - closing discussion, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Wieck

The Symposium is organized by TU Berlin Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung, FG Landschaftsarchitektur. Freiraumplanung.