Habitat Unit

July 20 – 21, 2018 | Institut for Architecture | TU Berlin

IfA Jahresausstellung 2018
it’s all about _ 

The Habitat Unit will take part in the End-of-Year exhibition of the Institute of Architecture presenting results from last year’s teaching programme.  

Following projects will be presented:

- Die grosse transformation

- Diagnose 1968 und ihre Spuren

The Pontine Plain: What’s next for this ‘rural’ landscape?

WITS-TUB Urban Lab Graduate School – Second Joint Summer School

- Moravia Manif(i)esto. Coding Strategies for Informal Neighborhoods

- For what its worth

'New diversities' and 'urban arrival infrastructures'? The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln

We will be delighted to welcome you to the event!poster_IfA2018

July 20, Friday
Exhibition, 3 pm - 10 pm
Official Opening - 5:00 pm
Rundgang - 5:50 pm
Summerparty - 8 pm

July 21, Saturday 
Exhibition 12 am - 8 pm

Full program

Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Architektur
Straße des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin